Feltrim Road Active Travel Scheme

Fingal County Council have initiated an Active Travel Scheme for the Mountgorry Way and Feltrim Road area to support and encourage active travel. This webpage will be updated throughout the course of the project.

Scheme Objectives

This scheme will provide improvements to support and encourage members of the public to use active travel modes such as walking, wheeling, cycling and scooting for short distance journeys and will improve access to public transport for longer journeys. Another objective is to pinpoint the areas of the scheme where placemaking and public realm opportunities can be integrated into the active travel solutions to further enhance the overall experience and opportunities created by active travel infrastructure.

Why is this scheme Important?

Fingal County Council is committed to creating well-serviced and well-connected communities with reduced travel distances between home, work, education, and services that allow more people to undertake local journeys actively. This supports the health and well-being of residents and supports climate action by reducing vehicle emissions. The council is also committed to enhancing and developing Fingal’s inherent sense of place, identity, and character, ensuring that individual communities remain distinctive and improving the quality of life for residents. The council is also committed to ensuring that these improvements to local neighbourhoods are inclusive and cater to all abilities, genders, and age groups including children, older people, and people with a range of disabilities.

Timeline for delivery

Fingal County Council feels that it is important to develop the Active Travel scheme for the Mountgorry Way and Feltrim Road area in close collaboration with the local community and those in the surrounding areas. With this in mind, it is intended to deliver the project through four distinctive stages where the community will be able to feed into the development of the project in an effort to identify the opportunities and challenges for active movement, social interaction and destinations along the route and throughout the area.

Feltrim Road

Current Stage: Stage 1 - Understanding the area

Fingal County Council is pleased to introduce the first stage of the Active Travel Project for the Mountgorry Way and Feltrim Road area and would like you to help us identify key opportunities, challenges, and objectives related to active travel in your community.

We invite you to participate in this event, which shall be held at the Riasc Centre between 3pm and 8pm on Thursday 28 November 2024. This will allow you the opportunity to share your thoughts and give your input to the project through a variety of interactive activities. You will also be able to learn more about the project and ask any questions that you may have. We welcome participants of all ages and abilities.

Information in relation to the Riasc Centre, such as directions, nearby public transport facilities, parking, accessibility, etc., can be found at their website http://www.theriasccentre.com/

If you have any specific requirements, such as mobility / accessibility, hearing, sight, etc., that need to be catered for on the day of the event, please inform the project team by emailing  [email protected]

View our leaflet here


Feltrim Road Active Travel Survey - Have your say


We would like you to participate in the Feltrim Road Active Travel Survey. The responses gathered will inform the development of the Feltrim Road Active Travel plan and will help us better understand the active movement patterns along the proposed scheme route (Mountgorry Way/ Swords Road Roundabout to Kettles lane Junction) and surrounding areas.

Additionally, the demographic data collected will ensure that the views and experiences submitted represent a diverse range of community members.

Take the survey here