Freagairt do Thairiscintí
Freagairt do Thairiscintí
Úsáidimid láithreán gréasáin le gach tairiscint atá ar fáil a fhógairt
Tá na sonraí teagmhála maidir le sonraíochtaí tairiscintí aonair ar fáil ar an láithreán gréasáin website
In accordance with Government policy, quotations must be sought in respect expenditure valued below €25,000 (excluding VAT) for supplies and services and below €50,000 (excluding VAT) for works.
Fingal County Council seeks quotations using the Quick Quotes facility on eTenders. Where the expenditure value exceeds €1,000 (excluding VAT), a minimum of three quotations are sought in respect of supplies and services (minimum of five written quotations in respect of works).
Quotations sought on eTenders Quick Quotes by direct invitation from suppliers registered on eTenders as chosen by the relevant buyer. These procurements are not viewable publicly. Quotation responses must be submitted using the eTenders electronic postbox facility. This is a requirement in order to demonstrate transparency and to meet eProcurement obligations.
It is very important that your company is registered as a supplier on eTenders and that you monitor the website to be aware of tendering and quotation opportunities. When you are registering as a supplier, please be sure to select the CPV (Common Procurement Vocabulary) codes for the supplies, services or works you provide so you may be notified of opportunities.
SupplyGov is a procurement system which facilitates the Local Authorities and other state agencies to run mini-tenders (from frameworks that have already been advertised on eTenders) and requests for quotations. It primarily deals with categories relating to Plant Hire; Minor Building & Civil Works and related training.
All new Frameworks are published as a contract notice on eTenders, so it is vital that you are registered on eTenders if you want notification of relevant procurement mechanisms relating to Plant Hire; Minor Building & Civil Works and related training.
Go to the ‘register as new supplier’ button on the homepage and follow the instructions. For further information on using the system please refer to the ‘Suppliers Guide - Supplygov’ below.
If you need assistance in registering please contact the helpdesk at or 076 1064020.
We utilise many of the national contracts put in place by the Office of Government Procurement and other central purchasing bodies. We also issue requests for tenders and quotations as business needs require in line with all relevant public procurement Directives, legislation and guidelines.
Upcoming tender opportunities are advertised on or on We also use these websites to seek quotations. As we are currently in the process of transitioning to requesting all quotations electronically, written quotations may be sought on some occasions.
The Office of Government Procurement (OGP) have prepared short videos providing an overview of the public procurement model and feedback from businesses engaging with the process. These are available here
Over the course of 2018 the OGP in partnership with InterTrade Ireland will also be hosting breakfast briefings to businesses across Ireland at a range of different levels. Information on the breakfast briefings is available from the InterTrade Ireland website:
Contact Us
For additional information in respect of tender opportunities, please contact us:
By email: