Digital Fingal is an initiative of Fingal County Council, the core aim of Digital Fingal is to make Fingal the place of choice to live, work, visit and do business in Ireland. A Digital Strategy has been developed with the collaboration of community and business stakeholders to support this vision. Digital Fingal is your one-stop shop for all things digital in Fingal, here we will showcase Fingal’s digital projects and will outline the progress of Fingal’s Digital Strategy.

Digital Fingal Strategy
Fingal County Council Digital Strategy is a living document that sets out a vision for Fingal. The Strategy aims to encourage and support citizens, businesses and visitors to reap the full rewards of a digitally enabled society through a series of objectives and actions over three years.
We are currently developing a new Digital Strategy - keep an eye on this page for updates.

Fingal Broadband
High speed broadband is core to competitiveness. By continually improving high quality broadband services in Fingal, we are supporting the viability and competitiveness of existing jobs, while also removing a major barrier to attracting new investment to many areas of the county as well as improving quality of life and connectivity for local communities.

Fingal Public Wi-Fi
Fingal County Council is committed to developing and improving the County’s digital infrastructure and services. Access to free public Wi-Fi in our major town centres and villages will be a major asset to our visitors, businesses and residents.
Fingal Digital Twins
Fingal County Council is piloting digital twins to enhance public consultation on major public realm projects. A digital twin is a completely virtual scale model of a town or village. The public can view the planned public realm projects ‘Swords Cultural Quarter’ and ‘Balbriggan Quay St. Harbour Rejuvenation’ using an interactive digital twin 3D web viewer. Fingal is the first local authority in Ireland to develop an online interactive digital twin/3D web viewer to showcase a future vision of a town.

Smart Dublin
Smart Dublin is an initiative of the four Dublin local authorities; Fingal County Council, Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, South Dublin County Council and Dublin City Council.

Smart Balbriggan
Balbriggan has been chosen as Ireland’s first town to be named as a Smart District in a move that will put it at the cutting edge of smart projects to improve services, create jobs and build a better community.
Smart Districts, under the Smart Dublin programme, are strategically selected geographical locations where targeted smart projects are implemented.

Hale and Hearty
Hale and Hearty is an EU-funded project that aims to improve access to health and wellbeing information

All Ireland Smart Cities Forum
The All Ireland Smart Cities Forum is a community of practice focused on the advancement of cities in both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland through the deployment of, and value creation generated by, smart city programmes.