Community and Sport

Fingal Local Community Development Committee (LCDC)

Community Development

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The Fingal Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) is responsible for coordinating, planning and overseeing local development initiatives including the implementation of the Fingal Local Economic & Community Plan (LECP).

The Local Government Act 2014 provides for the establishment of the LCDC.

The statutory functions of the LCDC include:

  • To be responsible for national funding programmes at a local level. In 2024-2028 the Social Inclusion Community and Activation Programme (SICAP) provides funding to tackle poverty and social exclusion through local engagement and partnerships between disadvantaged individuals, community organisations and public sector agencies.
  • Facilitate the LEADER element of the Rural Development Programme (2023-2027) to support sustainable economic development projects for rural communities ranging from tourism, agri-food and other business activities.
  • Improve the co-ordination of public-funded local and community development programmes and reduce duplication.
  • The preparation and implementation of the community element and review of economic elements of‌ the Fingal Local Economic & Community Plan.


The Fingal Public Participation Network was introduced following the enactment of the Local Government Act 2014.  PPNs are collectives of environmental, social inclusion and voluntary organisations.  Representatives are nominated to participate in and inform Local Authority decision making structures, the Fingal Local Community Development Committee has five PPN nominees.  

The 19 member LCDC has broad representation from public and private interests including business, local development, education, enterprise, agriculture, voluntary and local authority members. Click here for more information.


Fingal Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP)

The purpose of the LECP, as provided for in the Local Government Reform Act 2014, is to set out, for a six-year period, the objectives and actions needed to promote and support the economic development and the local and community development of the relevant local authority area, both by itself directly and in partnership with other economic and community development stakeholders.

Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP) 2023-28

LECP 2023-2028

Social Inclusion and Activation Programme (SICAP)

Find out more on the Social Inclusion and Activation Programme (SICAP), click here


Healthy Ireland Fund

Local Community Development Committees (LCDCs) provided financial assistance, under the Healthy Ireland  Fund 2019-2022, to community and voluntary groups to support projects that raise awareness of and improve health issues such as obesity, smoking, alcohol and drug misuse, increase public participation in physical activity and address areas of health inequality

The Healthy Ireland Strategic Action Plan 2021 – 2025, Healthy Fingal | Fingal County Council provides a clear roadmap of how we, as a society, can continue to work together to bring about good health, access to services, healthy environments, and the promotion of resilience and to ensure that everyone can enjoy physical and mental, health and wellbeing, to their full potential.

The Healthy Fingal Strategic Plan 2021 – 2025 was launched on June 17th 2021 to view the launch click here

For more information on Healthy Ireland click here.

For further information on Healthy Fingal click here

LCDC Membership

To access details of LCDC Membership 2024 click here.


Local Enhancement Programme 2025

The Local Enhancement Programme is designed to provide both capital and current funding support to a wide and diverse range of local groups, including Men’s Sheds and Women’s Sheds. Funding is available to support small capital works/improvements, the purchase of equipment for community use; tables and chairs, tools and signage, laptops and printers, lawnmowers, canopies and training equipment etc., as well as capital costs; electricity costs, refuse charges, heating charges, rental/lease costs, insurance bills. Fingal County Council has been allocated a total of €268,827 in funding for Groups across the county (€230,423 in Capital Funding, €38,404 in Current Funding)

Applications Now Open

For more information and to apply, click here:


Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme

The Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme 2024/2025 provides funding to develop new outdoor recreational facilities in rural locations. It provides support to repair, maintain and enhance existing outdoor recreational facilities. Projects typically funding by this scheme are greenways, blueways, walking and cycling trails etc.

Now accepting Expressions of Interest

For more information and to apply, click here:


Community Recognition Fund 2024

The Community Recognition Fund was introduced in 2023 to recognise the huge efforts made by communities in welcoming and supporting people coming to Ireland. Based on the continued impacts on communities throughout the country and the need to support these communities in welcoming new arrivals, a further €50 million is being provided under the Community Recognition Fund 2024.

Fingal County Council has been allocated €1,538,573 by the Department of Rural and Community Development (DRCD) to deliver projects over 2024 and 2025, with funding allocated across 3 application windows as outlined:

Application Windows:

Call 1: Applications now closed.

Call 2: Applications now closed.

Call 3: Applications now closed.

For more information, click here:



Meeting Agendas and Minutes
Annual Reports and E-Bulletins
Presentations and Press Releases

Helen Johnston, National Economic and Social Council,  People and Places Weaving Together Policies for Social Inclusion in Ireland

‌Breffni O'Rourke, Fingal LCDC Chief Officer, Approaches & Challenges,  DECLG Regional Meeting July 2015

Fiona Moylette, Principal Officer, Rural Development Programme, DECLG, Ireland 2014-2020 LEADER: Local Development Strategy, July 2015

Dr. Seán Ó'Riordáin, Director Public Policy Advisors Network,  Reform Local Development, Community and Economic Development May 2014