Fingal is amongst the most diverse and dynamically growing populations in Ireland, it is imperative that Fingal County Council is committed to social integration and enhancing the quality of life for all the residents as it continues to grow.
The goals are to support and provide resources to citizens who have experience barriers that lead to social exclusions and to promote an understanding of inclusion in Fingal and celebrate diversity across the county.
The appointed Integration Officers works with other Fingal County Council departments and the Fingal Public Participation Network (PPN) to implement the Fingal Migrant Integration and Social Cohesion Strategy Action Plan 2019-2024 and supporting the development of the Fingal Integration Forum.
The ambition is to ensure we meet the needs of the diverse population and contribute to making Fingal a place where all who live, work and visit are valued.

“Building Bridges: Forging Pathways Beyond Prejudice” Exhibition
The Building Bridges exhibition is part of the fourth and final phase of the SALAAM project (Sustainable Alliances Against Anti-Muslim Hatred). It was developed as a National Anti-Racism Awareness Campaign using a visual art collection that aims to illustrate and harness the collective strength and shared realities of new communities, fostering a dialogue that champions diversity, equality and inclusion.

How to Report a Racist Incident
Fingal County Council has been working on the SALAAM Project which is funded by the EU Commission with Limerick University, Irish Network Against Racism, Doras and the Immigrant Council of Ireland. This project has a number of elements to it, one of which is to provide direction to anyone who would like to report a racist incident either for themselves or on behalf of another person.

Step-by-step guide to becoming an anti-racist organisation
The step-by-step guide was developed by the Fingal Integration team to support community and voluntary organisations in making their place a more inclusive and diversity-aware space. The aim of this guide is to support organisations and community groups across Fingal in becoming actively anti-racist through a set of steps that can implemented in your work or voluntary space so that it is a welcoming and proactive place for everyone.

Fingal Inclusion Week 2023 #InviteIncludeInvolve
There was something for everyone in the programme planned for the fifth Fingal Inclusion Week with over 70 events that took place across the County. Running from Monday 13th November to Sunday 19th November 2023, Inclusion Week is an initiative of Fingal County Council’s Community Development Office in collaboration with the Fingal Integration Team.

Fingal Inclusion Week 2022
This year highlighted the positive work that communities, agencies, and other organisations are involved in to reduce social exclusion and poverty in Fingal. The week also sought to raise awareness of the barriers experienced by citizens of Fingal that lead to social exclusion and promote an understanding of inclusion. This year’s theme for 2022 was “Health and Wellbeing”. A big thank you to everyone who took part across Fingal.

Fingal Winter Pride
Following the success of its inaugural Pride Festival earlier this year, Fingal County Council has announced that it will now be hosting a series of events over the winter months with the launch of Fingal Winter Pride.

The Fingal Migrant Integration and Social Cohesion Strategy Action Plan 2019-2024

Traveller Inter Agency Group (TIG) Support
Our aim is to bring together a range of statutory agencies and Traveller Development Groups, to share knowledge of issues affecting the Travelling community in Fingal and to achieve better integration of the services delivered to them.