Planning and Development Heritage and Conservation

Architectural Conservation Areas (ACA)

Heritage and Conservation

Architectural Conservation Areas (ACAs) are areas of special architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social, technical value, or areas that are important to the environment of a protected structure. They can be anything from a town centre or terrace of houses to structures associated with a specific building such as a country house or mill. ACAs are designated under the Fingal Development Plan. 

A list of all the Architectural Conservation Areas in Fingal and a brief summary of their special character can be found in the appendices of the current Fingal Development Plan, after the Record of Protected Structures.  Individual boundary maps for the ACAs are also contained in the appendices but as changes can be made to the boundaries as part of the review of the Development Plan or as a variation of the Development Plan the official boundary is available to view on the current Development Plan interactive map viewer by switching on the Architectural Conservation Areas layer.

Please ensure that you are checking the current plan and not earlier versions through the following link:

Any works that would affect the special character of an ACA require planning permission, even works that would normally be exempt from planning permission. In particular this can mean any works that impact on the external appearance of structures, such as changes to roofing material, windows, boundary walls, or construction of new features such as porches or extensions. Guidance notes for carrying out work in an ACA is provided within the Development Management Chapter of the Fingal Development Plan.

Contact Us

Fingal Conservation Office:  [email protected]