Heritage and Conservation

Fingal Fieldnames Project

The Fingal Fieldnames Project aims to explore and record the rich legacy of fieldnames and related heritage in our local landscapes. Every field in Fingal, and across Ireland, has a name or had one in the past. Names may derive from the topography of the land, or from the owners, or may describe the purpose of the field, its size or may relate to some event that took place in the field. Together these names tell us much about the history and heritage of our local landscapes. Through this project, we will begin the task of recording, analysing and publishing the fieldnames of Fingal and we will safeguard this invaluable cultural heritage asset for future generations.

Photo: Hanging Hill, Barnageeragh, Skerries 

Fieldnames Project Picture

In 2018 Abarta Heritage were engaged to provide training to groups across the County including Skerries Historical Society, Balbriggan & District Historical Society, Garristown Historical Society, Ballyboughal Historical Society and groups from Dublin 15 as well as individuals from Rush, Lusk, Feltrim, Cloghran and Rowlestown. A survey recording sheet, project database and handbook have been developed. A total of 900 fieldnames have been recorded by volunteers during Phase 1 and Phase II of the project capturing a part of our heritage that is at risk of disappearing.

Since 2018, volunteers across the county were given the training and skills to record the field names of their localities. They have been consulting old maps and documents, speaking to farmers and gathering as much knowledge as they can. 'Back of the Yard', 'Front of the House', 'Ladies Stairs', 'Long Leg' and 'Collier’s Horn' are just some of the field names in Fingal which have been collected as part of the Fingal Field Names Project. As part of Heritage Week 2019, Arbarta Heritage organised a Stories from Fingal’s Fields event, where volunteers shared the stories, memories and field names they have gathered.

New volunteers are very welcome to get involved in of this exciting project. It is open to anyone who wants to learn more about Fingal’s heritage and the opportunity to get hands on and contribute to recording a vital piece of intangible heritage before it is lost.

Meitheal Logainm records

Now you can view the results to date, of the Fingal Fieldnames project on https://meitheal.logainm.ie/fingal-fieldnames/ . Meitheal Loganim.ie is a tool for storing and sharing placename data. Developed by Gaois, Fiontar & Scoil na Gaeilge, DCU, in collaboration with the Placenames Branch of the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, Meitheal Logainm.ie gives users the opportunity to promote the cultural heritage of the country in the digital age by mapping and sharing fieldnames and minor placenames online.

Free Workshop March 26, 2025

Abarta Heritage and Fingal County Council Heritage Officer, Christine Baker are hosting a FREE Fingal Fieldnames Workshop in Carnegie Library, Swords (K67 N5H2), on Wednesday, 26th of March, at 7 pm. All are welcome to attend. 



Stories from Fingal's Fields

Photo: Stories from Fingal’s Fields

If you would like to get involved in the Fingal Fieldnames Project please contact: 

Christine Baker, Heritage Officer

Tel:  01 8905691

Email:  [email protected]