Africa Day 2021
Fingal County Council with funding from the Department of Foreign Affairs / Irish Aid are supporting the newly developing Fingal Integration Forum to host an Africa Day Celebration Event online 7-9pm the 25th May,

Africa Day 2021 takes place on Tuesday, 25th May. Although restrictions on physical gatherings will be in place due to public health measures, preventing the holding of in-person events to mark the occasion, the Africa Day website and social media channels will facilitate virtual celebration and reflection until it is possible to meet once again in person. See
Fingal County Council with funding from the Department of Foreign Affairs / Irish Aid are supporting the newly developing Fingal Integration Forum to host an Africa Day Celebration Event online 7-9pm the 25th May, for details on how to access this event email [email protected]
The event will be launched by the Mayor Cllr David Healy, see highlights below:
Event Highlights:
• Launched by Mayor of Fingal Cllr David Healy
• Taste of Food
• Craft
• Storytelling & Poetry
• Music, Fashion, Art
• Great Speakers
Zoom Meeting Details:
Topic: Fingal Africa Day 2021
Time: May 25, 2021 07:00 PM Dublin
Zoom Meeting Link
Meeting ID: 823 3651 1246
Passcode: 964446

Ireland AM
This morning, the Fingal Integration Forum began their Africa Day Celebrations on Ireland AM, through an invitation extended to the Fingal Integration Officer. Olanikah Adessymowo, co-chair of the Fingal PPN and her fellow group members provided a lively piece on fashion, dance and African culture. You can see this morning's feature on the Virgin Media Player from today.
Images: Olanikah Adessymowo, co-chair of the Fingal PPN and her fellow group members with Ireland AM Presenters Karen Koster and Tommy Bowe with Valerie McAllorum Byrne, Fingal Integration Officer at the Ireland AM studios and showcasing stunning traditional outfits, Olanikah Adessymowo, co-chair of the Fingal PPN and her fellow group members appear on Ireland AM on Tuesday May 25, 2021