Smart Balbriggan

Smart balbriggan

Balbriggan has been chosen as Ireland’s first town to be named as a Smart District in a move that will put it at the cutting edge of smart projects to improve services, create jobs and build a better community.

Smart Districts, under the Smart Dublin programme, are strategically selected geographical locations where targeted smart projects are implemented.

The core focus of the Balbriggan Smart District will be to enhance community life, support economic opportunities and drive innovation through a number of smart district projects.

The initiative will also support the delivery of the Our Balbriggan Rejuvenation Plan, which was developed last year after 4,000 people took part in a public engagement on the future of the town.

The Smart Balbriggan programme aims to ensure that Balbriggan benefits from ‘smart’ and ‘digital’ initiatives with three strategic priorities: 1) community building, 2) job creation and economic growth, and 3) improved services and public realm. 

Smart Balbriggan

Community is at the heart of Smart Balbriggan, with residents invited to participate in the design and implementation of the programme through workshops, events, surveys and focus groups. From developing a 3D model of the Harbour Redevelopment to facilitate community consultations, to supporting citizen science projects, Smart Balbriggan strives to deliver tangible, positive outcomes for local residents. 


To learn more about Smart Balbriggan take a look at the Smart Balbriggan Public Trello Board which gives an overview of the current and planned projects.