Smart Dublin

Smart Dublin is an initiative of the four Dublin local authorities; Fingal County Council, Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, South Dublin County Council and Dublin City Council. Smart Dublin is governed by a steering committee with representatives from each of the above authorities and Maynooth University. The Smart Dublin Regional team manage day to day operations and is located in Dublin City Council Offices, 3 Palace Street, Dublin 2, Ireland.
Through collaboration and engagement with technology providers, researchers and departmental staff, Smart Dublin is focused on driving innovation and developing solutions which address challenges across the Dublin region; making it a better place to be, live, work and do business.
Smart Dublin Core Objectives:
- Provide Better Services – To develop, drive and facilitate public services which are better, easier, more efficient and accessible for citizens.
- Promote Innovative Solutions – To provide new, innovative and better solutions to existing and future challenges which impact our citizens, businesses and visitors.
- Improve Economic Activity – To support regional economic development by helping to create an ecosystem that attracts and provides opportunities for entrepreneurs, investors and businesses, and communicates this to the wider world.
- Increase Collaboration and Engagement – To create effective internal and external collaborations and partnerships with local authorities, other public sector organisations, academia, external agencies, businesses, citizens and international partners.
For more information on Smart Dublin initiatives visit -