All Ireland Smart Cities Forum
The All Ireland Smart Cities Forum is a community of practice focused on the advancement of cities in both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland through the deployment of, and value creation generated by, smart city programmes.

The Forum is made up of city officials who have a wealth of knowledge and experience of the evolving smart city agenda, and the opportunities this provides for future growth and investment.
This collaborative initiative, supported by Maynooth University, will see the member cities work together to share insights, support collaborative research and advise stakeholders on collective city priorities. The cross-border initiative includes local authority representation from Fingal, Cork, Limerick, Galway, Waterford, South Dublin, Dublin City, Belfast, Dun Laoghaire Rathdown and Derry who together will explore common challenges related to implementing smart city policies and projects.
For more information on the All Ireland Smart Cities Forum visit -