Ambitious skills strategy aims to drive economic growth and innovation in Fingal

Fingal County Council has launched its new Future Fingal: Fingal Skills Strategy, which looks to directly address workforce needs, enhance business opportunities, and strengthen Fingal’s position as a leading economic hub.
By identifying key sectoral needs and forecasting existing and future skills gaps, the Fingal Skills Strategy seeks to ensure that businesses, particularly SMEs, have access to a highly skilled workforce. The Strategy also encourages innovation, support for entrepreneurship, and adaptability by focusing on the importance of transversal skills, supporting lifelong learning, and the skills need to keep pace with evolving digital and green economy trends.
The Mayor of Fingal, Cllr Brian McDonagh, launched “Future Fingal: Fingal Skills Strategy 2024 – 2029” at an event in Baldoyle Training Centre which was attended byCouncillors, MEP’s, Oireachtas members and representatives from private business and the education and training sector. Baldoyle Training Centre, run by DDLETB, offers training to those who are entering the labour market for the first time, as well as those who want to upskill and/or reskill as they change their career path.
The Fingal Skills Strategy aims to support local businesses to ensure they will be able to thrive with ready access to a highly skilled workforce, while citizens will benefit from meaningful and future-ready employment opportunities. The Strategy also looks to support labour market participation by removing barriers such as childcare and transport, to provide a more inclusive work environment in Fingal.
The Mayor of Fingal, Cllr Brian McDonagh, said: “The Strategy sets out an ambitious vision for the future of skills development in Fingal, empowering our citizens to reach their full potential and contribute to our vibrant and dynamic county. We look forward to continuing to work in partnership with our Skills Strategy stakeholders to ensure that we have the right people for the right jobs in Fingal.”
With its strategic location, strong population growth, and diverse economic base, Fingal is a key driver of the Irish economy with a highly skilled and experienced workforce that supports both local and multinational companies. The Council has been the first Local Authority in Ireland to develop a Skills Strategy, with this latest iteration building on the successes of the original Strategy, incorporating European best practices and aiming to address the evolving skills needs of the county. The new Strategy seeks to address global challenges, harness technological advancements, and tackle skills shortages, ensuring the county remains competitive and prepared for the future.
A key focus of the Fingal Skills Strategy is how Fingal can enable the transition to a green economy. It recognises that key sectors must adapt to new sustainability regulations, climate targets, and consumer demands for eco-friendly practices. To support this shift, the Strategy’s stakeholders are keen to integrate green skills into Further Education and Higher Education training programmes, apprenticeships, and progress industry collaborations to ensure employers and employees are prepared for a low-carbon future.
The Fingal Skills Strategy 2024-2029 is a comprehensive plan developed by Fingal County Council, in collaboration with the Skills Strategy Implementation Group (SSIG), Dublin Regional Skills Forum (DRSF), and the Skills & Labour Market Research Unit (SLMRU) in SOLAS.
Chief Executive of Fingal County Council, AnnMarie Farrelly, said: "Fingal has supported the development of a strong collaborative working relationship between industry and academia to address the existing and future skills needs in the county and ensure that Fingal is a prime location to invest and grow a business in with a strong pipeline of talent. This commitment is evident in the successes delivered in the first Skills Strategy, including the Xplore Your Future TY Expo, and continues in this new Strategy."
The development of the Fingal Skills Strategy has included consultations with stakeholders such as employers, education and training providers, and trade unions to identify skills gaps and forecast future needs. The Strategy also incorporates best practices from European partners through the Interreg Project SKYLA which the Council hopes to adapt to the local context in Fingal. By broadening the skills base and promoting flexible learning options, the Strategy aims to equip the local population with the necessary skills to pursue rewarding careers and contribute to the long-term success of the Fingal economy.
The implementation of the Strategy will be monitored annually to ensure progress and adaptation to emerging trends.
For more information on the Fingal Skills Strategy 2024-2029 please see: