Fingal County Council project to tackle loneliness with EU Korale partners

KORALE project

Fingal County Council join consortium of six European Countries to participate in KORALE project.

KORALE, which is short for "Towards a Community of Practice and Knowledge on Preventing and Tackling Loneliness from Public Policies," is supported by Interreg Europe and co-funded by the European Union. 

The project aims to improve public policies by exchanging good practices and integrating multifaceted approaches to address and prevent loneliness. 

Loneliness and social isolation have a harmful impact on mental and physical health and have important consequences for social cohesion. Loneliness is associated with a lack of political engagement and higher-risk behaviours. It also has an economic cost, estimated at 4% of the EU GDP. Loneliness can impact people’s quality of life across the whole life course, being specifically relevant in the elderly; less studied, loneliness is increasing quickly among young people, who were especially affected by the pandemic.

Fingal County Council, will partner with organisations in the Basque Country/SpainAustriaPortugalBelgium, and Denmark  to

  • identify and share good practices that prevent or address loneliness at individual, family, and community levels, focusing on low-threshold approaches;
  • learn about successful cases of intervention strategies that, deployed early in life, can lead to a reduction in the incidence of loneliness later in life, focusing on longer-term approaches;
  • identify the key factors that enable these good practices to be transformed and achieve higher impact policies.

For further information see