Bealtaine Concerts G

Fingal Libraries will host three concerts from the renowned Mobile Music Machine to celebrate the Bealtaine Festival in Fingal. Each concert will feature some of Ireland's most acclaimed musicians, performing songs from the musicals, popular and classical eras. A popular hour of entertainment for all.
Blanchardstown Library: Wednesday 10th May, 6.30 - 7.30pm
Sandra Oman: Soprano
Gerald Peregrine, Cello
Vincent Lynch, Piano
Baldoyle Library - Saturday 13th May, 2.30 – 3.30 pm
Sandra Oman: Soprano
Gerald Peregrine, Cello
Vincent Lynch, Piano
Rush Library – Friday 26th May, 2.30 – 3.30 pm
Niall O Sullivan, Trumpet
Gerald Peregrine, Cello
Vincent Lynch, Piano
View the Bealtaine Festival Brochure