Aviation Fuel Pipeline Construction - Stockhole Lane Traffic Management Plan

The second phase of the construction works in the Fingal area is due to commence on Stockhole Lane/Clonshaugh Road (North) on Monday the 24th February 2020 and this was the subject of a recent consultation process. GMC Utilities Ltd will be carrying out the works on behalf of Independent Pipeline Company Ltd. The first phase of construction in the Fingal area occurred prior to Christmas 2019.
Fingal County Council want to keep you informed regarding the traffic management for the construction works.
A stop/go traffic system will operate from Monday the 24th to Friday the 28th February between the hours of 10:00-16:00 on Stockhole Lane between the Clayton Hotel / Circle K Roundabout and Baskin Lane.
Thereafter, a south bound lane closure will be in operation commencing on Monday 2nd March between the Clayton Hotel and Baskin Lane as indicated in the map.
This will allow traffic to travel at all times along Stockhole Lane heading north (towards Baskin Lane).
South bound traffic will be diverted via Baskin Lane, the R107 (Malahide Road) and the R139. The diversion route will be signposted on the ground. The permitted working hours are as follows: 07:00 – 20:30 Monday to Friday and 09:00 to 18:00 on Saturdays. A reduced traffic management layout with associated traffic lights and tower lights will remain in place outside of the working hours.
This southbound lane closure will be monitored closely by Fingal’s Traffic Section and will be managed on an ongoing basis. Works are expected to last 10-12 weeks subject to favourable conditions. Local access to homes and businesses will be maintained at all times. GMC Utilities Ltd have undertaken an extensive liaison process with all residents and businesses affected by the works and will continue to do so.
The Aviation Fuel Pipeline project is designed to provide a secure and sustainable means of aviation fuel supply to Dublin Airport. The project aims to change the delivery method for aviation fuel from trucks to a 14.4km long steel underground pipe running from Dublin Port to Dublin Airport. The pipeline will remove over 30,000 fuel tanker trips each year from public roads in Dublin. The environmental benefits of the pipeline include a reduction in traffic volumes, emissions, accidents, road damage and noise