Transcending Time by Aoife Dunne, Fingal County Council’s Public Art Commission: The Journey Begins

A new Fingal Public Art Commission titled Transcending Time by artist Aoife Dunne begins its journey to the homes and communities of Fingal Residents this week.

Transcending Time installation van and artist Aoife Dunne

This mobile, digital art installation re-imagines a way for us to still engage with contemporary art while we essentially stay close to home.

Aoife has created a live experience through her use of digital material and the juxtaposition of her imagery is designed to transport the viewer to another space, evoking escape and the possibilities of dreaming from the mind of the artist into our real world.

Transcending Time begins on Monday 8th of June, commencing in Rush where the local community requested it collectively to their town, from there it will continue to all parts of the county by request and is part of the commitment of Fingal County Council's response to the national In  this Together Campaign where we are committed to delivering a range of supports and services that support all aspects of our wellbeing during this period of time. Central principles in the council's recently adopted arts plan 2017 -2024 include the promise to connect people and ideas, enable excellence and bring Fingal to life through the Arts - Transcending Time is at the heart of principles and with the response from the Fingal residents to the work to date it is clear that the arts are valued and needed now more than ever.

Transcending Time will be visiting daily from 12-8pm from the 8th – 10th of June, the schedule for the current locations is featured on the website and there is still time to request a visit to your home, housing estate or community, it is a moving digital installation and will quietly stop at locations for approx. 15 minutes residents are requested to observe social distancing when viewing the work.

Please feel free to post your photos to the artists on Instagram @efadne @fingalpublicart @fingalcountycouncil with the hashtag transcendingtime, aoifedunne, fingalpublicart


For further information or to book a visit from Transcending Time please visit


For any other queries please contact


Caroline Cowley

Public Art Co-ordinator

Fingal County Council

[email protected] /01 870 8449