Swords Wastewater Treatment Plant works could cause disruption and odours

Irish Water is working in partnership with Fingal County Council to carry out essential maintenance works at Swords Wastewater Treatment Plant impacting customers in Swords over the coming weeks.

During these works there may be intermittent odours. Irish Water and Fingal County Council will make every effort to minimise the risk of odours and to complete these works as quickly as possible. Works are expected to be completed in the coming weeks. Irish Water would like to apologise for any odours that arise while the work is being carried out. If odour issues are noted, please contact the Irish Water Customer Care Centre on 1850 278 278.

Irish Water and Fingal County Council understands the inconvenience caused when maintenance works occur and thanks customers for their patience while we complete these essential works to ensure an effective treatment process within the plant. Irish Water and Fingal County Council regret any inconvenience caused.

Irish Water is working at this time, with our local authority partners, contractors and others to safeguard the health and well-being of staff and the public and to ensure the continuity of drinking water and wastewater services.

The latest updates on these works will be available on the supply and service section of our website https://www.water.ie. The Irish Water customer care helpline is open 24/7 and customers can call us on 1850 278 278. Customers can also contact us on Twitter @IWCare with any queries.