Prior Warning Notice has been removed from Velvet Strand Portmarnock

The Prior Warning Notice issued on Thursday August 20th has been removed from Velvet Strand Portmarnock following a result of Excellent water quality.

Velvet Strand 4

The Prior Warning Notice issued August 20th has been removed from Velvet Strand Portmarnock following 'Excellent' water quality results.

Results received today (23rd August, 2020) from sample taken at Velvet Strand, Portmarnock on 21st August, 2020 are as follows: E. coli 120 MPN/100ml and Enterococci 45 cfu/100ml – “Excellent” Bathing Water Quality

The Prior Warning Notice at the beach has been removed and this ends this incident notification raised for forecasted heavy rainfall (Yellow warning from Met Eireann). 


Please note as a result of requests by frequent swimmers for the above information, Fingal County Council will now issue notifications via our Fingal Alerts service in addition to existing communication methods. 

Bathers are encouraged to register for Fingal Alerts at and ensure they opt for receiving the “Community Notices” category.  For those who have already signed up to Fingal Alerts you can check if you have already opted for this category by logging in to

Members of the public can check for water quality at any of the monitored bathing waters in Ireland in advance by accessing the EPA website at or by checking the notice board at the entrance to each beach.