Age Friendly Fingal is here to help

Age Friendly Fingal would encourage everyone to make a special effort over the next few weeks, keep your contacts down to a minimum and remember to wash your hands regularly, wear your masks if going out and help keep each other safe by keeping your distance.

If you require assistance, please make contact with the numbers below:

Fingal County Council Community Support Helpline: Phone: 1800 459 059 Email: [email protected] /"> [email protected] / 9am – 5pm seven days a week

Alone Helpline: 0818 222 024  8am- 8pm seven days a week

Friends of the Elderly Ireland : 01 8731855

HSE Helpline: 1850 24 1850 Alone National Support Helpline: Phone: 0818 222 024 Monday-Sunday 8am-8pm

Senior Line Confidential listening service for older people: Phone: 1800 80 45 91 Monday-Sunday 10am-10pm (including public holidays)

Alzheimer’s Society National Helpline: Phone: 1800 341 341 Email: %68%65l%70lin%[email protected] " rel="nofollow"> [email protected]

Age Action: Phone: 01 4756989 Monday-Friday 9.30am-5pm

Citizen’s information phone service: Phone: 0761 07 4000 Email: [email protected]

Sage Advocacy: Support and advocacy service for vulnerable adults, older people and healthcare patients: Phone: 1850 71 94 00

Woman’s aid: Phone: 1800 341 900 Men’s aid: Phone: 01 5543811

Samaritans: Emotional support for anyone in distress or struggling to cope: Phone: 116 123 (anytime, day or night)

Pieta House: Telephone support counselling for anyone who is suicidal or engaging in self harm: Phone: 1800 247 247 (anytime, day or night)

There are a number of ways to keep your spirits up which include, phone calls to your family and friends , listening to nice music, read a good book, remember to take out your arts and crafts or write your stories of your experiences of life during this time. Click into this link to access the latest Memory Makers Reflections and Recollections Cocooners Special Edition