First ever Virtual AGM for Fingal Comhairle na nÓg

Young people from schools across Fingal took part in the very first virtual Fingal Comhairle na nÓg AGM.

They were joined by the Mayor of Fingal, Cllr. David Healy, the Chief Executive of Fingal County Council, AnnMarie Farrelly, and a number of other Fingal Councillors. The event was greatly received by members, participants and observers alike. All Comhairle members worked tremendously hard to make this an informative and enjoyable event.

The AGM was skilfully hosted by the Comhairle members. Highlighting the true essence of ownership and participation. Comhairle na nÓg AGM voting of new members will took place on Tuesday the 20th of October.

The Mayors opening address for the AGM (9.30am -12pm on Tuesday the 13th of October) highlighted Fingal as having the youngest population in the country and how decisions made by Local Government hugely affects the children and young people of Fingal.

The Mayor of Fingal, Cllr. David Healy, spoke about how: “It was a pleasure to attend the Comhairle na nÓg AGM. It was good to observe the engagement of the Comhairle members both with issues which affect them as young people and also with issues that affect people of all ages, and indeed future generations. It is essential that we as a council interact with groups such as Comhairle na nÓg who represent young people to facilitate informed decisions about policies and services that are matched with the interests and perspectives of young people.” 

AnnMarie Farrely, Chief Executive of Fingal County Council, joined the virtual AGM and said: “The participation of younger people in society is a key pillar of any democracy whether at the local or national level. Comhairle na nÓg continues to facilitate this participation and allows for younger people to highlight their ideas and their priorities to people in positions of power. I commend everyone involved especially this year where we have all faced difficult challenges and I am delighted to have addressed you at your first virtual AGM.”

The Comhairle showcased their work throughout the year which focused on the issue of Climate Action and Peer Pressure. They were involved in consultations such as the Fingal Biodiversity Plan, Fingal Music Generation and the Youth Justice Strategy.

Guest speaker, Shane Martin from Moodwatchers, focused on methods of resilience which has never been as important as right now during this time of crisis for young people. He focused on positive actions that young people can take and actively seeking out the optimist around each of us and within each of us as decisions out of their control continue to have a major impact on their lives.

Small groups discussed the topics that were suggested by young people across Fingal and facilitated by Foroige and Fingal County Council staff. These groups have put forward topics for the new Comhairle. The Comhairle’s leadership, commitment and creativity to work on behalf of young people was strongly evident throughout this very successful event which leads the virtual way for other Comhairles to follow.