Fingal CYPSC connecting with children and young people through consultation
In 2019 Fifteen services, active in youth participation in Fingal came together to understand, document and strengthen youth participation across Fingal. The initiative was led by the Outcome 5 sub group of Fingal Children and Young Peoples Services Committee (FCYPSC). Membership of this group includes: Crosscare Youth Services, Foróige, Fingal County Council, Barnardos, Cairde, Technological University Dublin, Jigsaw, Daughters of Charity, Gheel, Youth Advocate Programmes (YAP), Tusla and Aster Family Support. The sub group is chaired by the DDLETB.
Read here about the Fingal Youth Participation and Engagement Wheel consultation event which took place with young people on 30th November 2020 and the plans that they have made to address gaps in service delivery which will be funded under the Governments #Keep Well Campaign/Mind Your Mood