Fingal’s public buildings light up in green for Organ Donor Awareness Week 2021

Fingal County Council is participating in an Irish Kidney Association initiative to light public buildings in green to support organ donation. 

Green is the official international colour of organ and tissue donation, symbolising the hope organ donors provide to patients in need and their families. Green is the colour of nature, associated with sustainability and renewal.  When days are dark and the future is uncertain, the colour provides confidence and optimism.


Patients on the transplant list live in hope that organ donation will become available to them. This is also a dark time as their future is uncertain and they know that another family must experience death for their lives to change.


By lighting up public sites in green we are drawing attention to organ donation being an integral part of active citizenship and that we should encourage open family discussion on our organ donor wishes.


Mayor of Fingal Cllr David Healy said: “I am delighted to support the Irish Kidney Association’s drive to foster conversation and solidarity around organ donation.


“It is an issue that affects many individuals and families throughout Ireland, and I welcome Fingal’s involvement in efforts to highlight its importance.”


Chief Executive of Fingal County Council AnnMarie Farrelly said: “Organ donation is an issue of vital concern, and Fingal County Council is glad to support Organ Donor Awareness Week by lighting Swords Castle.


“I hope that our participation will spur conversation around organ donation and focus attention on those affected.”


While ensuring compliance with public health guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID-19, we encourage visitors to take photographs of themselves outside the building.


You can share your photo and wishes on social media using the hashtag #LifeIsAGift. Then tag three or more of your friends to do the same.


Here is a suggested post you could use:

Life Is A Gift, Pass It On! I'm saying yes to Organ Donation, and I'm asking @friend1 @friend2 & @friend3 to do the same! Freetext DONOR to 50050 to get your Organ Donor Card. #LifeIsAGift


You can tag us at @fingalcoco



Win a facemask

By using the one of the tags below, your social media post will be entered into a raffle to win one of 100 quality face masks.

#LifeIsAGift, #Donorweek21,

@irishkidneyAs on Twitter

@irishkidneyA on Instagram,

@Irishkidneyassociation on Facebook


More details can be found at where a range of posters and school educational tool kits can be downloaded or simply scan the QR code below.


Individuals who wish to support organ donation are encouraged to keep the reminders of their decision available by carrying the organ donor card, permitting Code 115 to be included on their driver’s licence and having the ‘digital organ donor card’ APP on their smartphone. Organ Donor Cards can be obtained by phoning the Irish Kidney Association on 01 6205306 or Free text the word DONOR to 50050. You can also visit the website or download a free ‘digital organ donor card’ APP to your phone.