About Swords

Swords is a dynamic town that has rapidly grown in recent decades due to its proximity to Dublin Airport, the city centre and major local investment and growth of employment hubs such as nearby Dublin Airport, the Pavilions Shopping Centre and business parks along the R132 (including Airside, Swords Business Park and Swords Business Campus). This growth is anticipated to continue, albeit there is currently a heavy reliance on the implementation of MetroLink to catalyse development opportunities within the ‘Metro Economic Corridor’.

Sustainable Swords will focus specifically on placemaking within the town centre and it is intended that the historic shift away from Main Street that commenced in the early 2000s (as demonstrated the relatively high turnover and vacancy rates and movement of smaller premises from North Street-Main Street towards the Pavilions and business parks along the R132 corridor) will be reversed to facilitate better placemaking and a more resilient town centre. Sustainable Swords will facilitate an accessible, inviting public realm that links with the natural and historic context of the Ward River Valley Park and Swords Castle would improve permeability and enhance the opportunities for local innovation and economic development.