Fingal Libraries Latest Online Service: Tumble Books and Tumble Math

You won’t want to miss out on Fingal Libraries’ latest eService: Tumble Books and Tumble Math. Guaranteed to be a firm favourite of parents and teachers alike, Tumble Books is an online library full of eBooks for children to enjoy. Not only are there stories read out loud, but the pictures are animated and have added music and sound effects – a fantastic and fun way to enjoy reading at home or in the classroom.

Tumble Books is an exciting new eBook platform that prides itself on accessibility. It is simple enough for children to navigate themselves and caters for all ages and reading abilities. The Story Book section contains beautiful picture books for young readers, with narration, music, and sound effects that even the most reluctant of readers will find engaging.
The Read Along section is for more advanced readers to build their confidence. These books look more like the usual eBooks without any illustrations, but they are narrated for readers with text highlighting, so they can easily follow along. There are also ‘Text Options’ that allow you to change the font, size, and spacing and ‘Colour Options’ that allow you to change the background and text colours – perfect for those with additional needs.

For confident readers, there’s an assortment of eBooks with full accessibility options. And there’s even a section for everyone’s favourite: graphic novels!
Teachers will love their vast selection of non-fiction books with tie-in National Geographic videos. Most books will also come with games and puzzles, a fun way to help develop children’s literacy skills. Another benefit of Tumble Books is that items are always available and can be accessed simultaneously by everyone in the classroom!

Tumble Math is the largest resource of math-based story books around. It has a huge selection of picture books with narration, music, and sound effects. It is a great way of teaching math concepts to reluctant learners. With so many topics covered, from addition and subtraction to geometry and fractions, this is a fantastic resource for the classroom or for learning at home that is suitable for all ages and abilities.

Tumble Math has many great features for teachers that make life easier in the classroom (and with home schooling!). Each book has a selection of quizzes that link into Common Core standards. This is built around the American school system but is easily converted to the Irish curriculum. There are also ready-made lesson plans for teachers that are easy to print and download.
We’re so proud of our latest eServices Tumble Books and Tumble Math. They are a great resource that are not only fun and engaging for children but will help improve literacy and numeracy too.

You can access Tumble Books and Tumble Math here or by downloading the app from your app store.
Why not check out our podcast “Tumble Books and Tumble Math: Best Features for Teachers” as we discuss the benefits of this new eService with local teacher Ms Harper.
Cliodhna O’Reilly & Laura Flanagan-Riner (images)