The Fingal Skills Strategy was developed as an objective under the Fingal Local Economic & Community Plan (LECP) 2016 – 2020 and is the first cross sector skills strategy developed at a local level in Ireland. The purpose of the Strategy is to implement a range of recommendations and actions to grow the skills of the workforce in Fingal, benefiting both citizens and employers.
Download the Fingal Skills Strategy here.
Fingal County Council works with local stakeholders to identify key sectors and potential skill shortages that may emerge in Fingal and seek opportunities to address these skills shortages working in partnerships with industry and the education sector. The key sectors identified in Fingal are: Construction, Green Skills, Services, Transport & Logistics, Pharma, and Agri Food.
A little of what we do:
The Fingal Skills Strategy sets out recommendations to be carried out by both public and private sector partners. As with the entire spectrum of economic activity across the country. In 2021, the Skills Strategy Implementation Group (SSIG) convened to review developments in key sectors and drive activities to facilitate skills development and awareness of opportunities to enhance skills and training around the county.
The Fingal Skills Strategy Implementation Group draws its members from education and training bodies involved in provision for the Fingal region as well as prominent employers from industry sectors included in the Skills Strategy. Organisations include the DDLETB, Fingal Chamber Skillnet, Dublin Regional Skills Forum (DRSF) and third level education providers.
We are pleased to announce we are expanding our network to include two new Industry Subgroups in the Services/Hospitality and Transport & Logistics sector and are reaching out to you as a valued stakeholder to join our network. If you believe this is something that would benefit your industry and sector, we invite you to contact Alison Foster, Fingal County Council, Economic, Enterprise, Tourism and Cultural Department who will contact you directly to arrange an introductory meeting.

Employer Resources

Information and Resources on Upskilling Opportunities
Are you looking for information on how to upskill? For more information and directions to supports and courses available.

The Strategy

SKYLA puts skills at the centre of twin transition policies, strengthening vocational education and training in regional ecosystems and strategies.