Dublin Regional Skills Forum

The Dublin Regional Skills Forum is one of nine regional skills fora created as part of the Government’s National Skills Strategy. The DRSF and other fora provide:
- a single contact point in each region to help employers connect with the range of services and supports available across the education and training system
- access to a free skills audit as well as more robust labour market information and analysis of employer needs to inform programme development
- greater collaboration and utilisation of resources across the education and training system and enhancement of progression routes for learners
- a structure for employers to become more involved in promoting employment roles and opportunities for career progression in their sectors
The DRSF works in partnership with other industry groups such as the Department of Social Protection, IDA-Ireland, Enterprise Ireland, National Disability Authority, IBEC, Local County Councils, Local Enterprise Offices, ISME, SFA and Dublin Chambers of Commerce.
For more information on the free 1to1 Skills Audit Service, visit:
To contact Natasha Kinsella, DRSF Manager, email [email protected]