Strategic Planning
The Active Travel unit works with other departments of Fingal County Council to build Active Travel infrastructure and amenities into the fabric of life in Fingal.

An Active Travel Strategy for Fingal
This document is a first for Fingal as it looks to the future of Active Travel and transport in the county. The Strategy details ambitions to increase the number of people choosing Active Travel.
Best Practice Research
Fingal County Council is working to build Active Travel into everyday life as part of normal daily routines. We are investing in infrastructure and initiatives designed to promote Active Travel.
In November 2022 a group made up of Fingal County Council staff whose work is concerned with Active Travel and sustainable transport and Councillors visited the Netherlands to experience world class cycling infrastructure first-hand. During the trip our team met with their counterparts in Netherlands local authorities as well as local cycling advocates to get a better understanding of how the Netherlands have made cycling the first choice for the public. Seeing and trying out innovative cycling infrastructure in person inspires the team to bring home solutions that will deliver Active Travel for all in Fingal. Watch the video to see how their trip went.