IWD2022 Celebrating the Women of Fingal: Dominica McKevitt

Free Tree Giveaway 2021

In celebration of the achievements of the women of Fingal County Council this International Women's Day we're taking the time to bring you some of their stories and insights from recent months and years. We asked Dominica McKevitt, the Head Gardener at Ardgillan Castle, to share some thoughts on her work. Also featured above is a video about the 2021 Free Tree Giveaway which Dominica led.


How did you come to work for Fingal County Council?

I was working on the Athlone by pass and someone informed me that there were gardening jobs available in Dublin County Council and that I should apply. I applied and the rest is history.


What words of wisdom do you wish someone had shared with you when embarking on your early career?

Don't worry about what you don't know, other people are very helpful and if you're interested you'll learn very quickly. In horticulture and probably in other things as well nobody knows everything.


What attracted you to a career in Horticulture?

A love of gardening since childhood, which was invoked by spending time in the garden with my mother, who also loved gardening. When we moved from a town house to live in the countryside, the first thing I did every day after school was spend time in the garden and Mum allowed me to help her as I relayed the events of the day. Later I got a patch of my own.    


What project are you most proud of in your career? 

The gardens of Ardgillan Castle. I am particularly proud of the transformation that has taken place in the walled garden and the enhancement of the herbaceous border including the extension to the flowering season that has been achieved. Also the maintenance and propagation of the National Potentilla collection.