Recipients of the Artists' Support Scheme 2015

Announcement of the successful recipients of the Artists’ Support Scheme 2015

A sum of €40,000 has been allocated in the Fingal County Council 2015 budget to support payment of Artist Support Scheme 2015.

The Arts Office recently invited Artists in the administrative area of Fingal to apply for funding – the closing date was 17th July 2015

46 Artists applied and 28 Artists were successful in their application, and have been awarded the following amounts – following approval at the council meeting on September 14th 2015.

Visual Arts
Thomas Brezing    €2,000.00
Naomi Sex              €1,500.00
Fala Buggy             €500.00
Sally Anne Kelly    €500.00
Paula Fitzsimons   €500.00
Marc Guinan          €850.00
Emma Haugh        €2,000.00
Siobhan Hyde       €1,000.00
Susan Buttney       €250.00
Andrew Carson     €1,000.00
Steven Maybury    €1,500.00
Ruth Clinton           €1,000.00
Hilary Murray         €2,600.00
Marie Hanlon         €500.00
Aine Phillips           €3,500.00
Kerry Guinan          €1,000.00
Eva Walsh               €800.00
Ella De Burca         €2,000.00
Terence Erraught  €500.00
Michelle Hall          €1,500.00
Tracy Hanna          €2,000.00

Maire Carroll         €2,500.00
Hilary Woods        €1,000.00
Rhona Clarke       €2,600.00

Neil O’Driscoll            €1,500.00
Nathan MacDonnell  €1,100.00

Elizabeth Brennan  €2,000.00
Kevin Curran           €2,300.00

Total    €40,000.00