Regional Dog Fouling ‘Bag It Bin It’ Campaign Launched

To highlight the issue of dog fouling County Councils in the region have developed a new campaign to remind dog owners to pick up after their dog wherever they are.

Anti-Dog Fouling Bag it Bin it Campaign

Dog Fouling Awareness Campaign - Help Scally be a good boy!

Dog owners everywhere know they need to pick up after their dogs, but the issue of dog fouling is still one that plagues our County. We love dogs, but while the vast majority of dog owners are responsible and clean up after their pets, there are instances of dog fouling on streets and in green spaces on an ongoing basis around Fingal. Dog poo is harmful to people’s health and particularly dangerous for children.

To highlight the issue of dog fouling County Councils in the region including Fingal County Council have developed a new campaign to remind dog owners to pick up after their dog wherever they are. The campaign features the adorable “Scally” in a series of videos which highlight the consequences of not picking up the poop. Whether under the cover of darkness, in a field or on the beach remember “Your dog’s poop could end up anywhere! Always Pick it up!” 

Speaking at the launch of the campaign Mayor of Fingal, Cllr. Howard Mahony said “Fingal County Council continues to look for new and innovative ways to help combat the issue of dog fouling, and over the last number of years has engaged in radio and cinema adverts to increase awareness around the issue of dog fouling. Help Scally to carry on the message and bin the poo responsibly. It’s the least we can do for our best friends”

Mayor and Sinead Fox Dog Fouling Campaign

Image: Sinead Fox Environmental Awareness Officer Fingal County Council with Mayor of Fingal Cllr Howard Mahony promoting the Regional Dog Fouling ‘Bag It Bin It’ Campaign to address dog litter

Fingal County Council have been previously involved in similar campaigns, most notably the ‘Leave Only Paw Prints’ in conjunction with the ‘UCD Acclimatize Project, and the other Dublin Councils, and the ‘Green Dog Walkers’ initiative, a regional programme involving most of the Local Authorities in the Leinster area. It is a non-confrontational, friendly way to change attitudes about dog fouling.

Failure to pick up after your dog is an offence under the Litter Management Acts 1997 -2009 and could result in an on-the-spot fine of €150. The maximum court fine is €3000.

Community Groups and Tidy Towns are encouraged to use and share the online resources to highlight this campaign which are available on our website  #BagItBinIt 

Image: Members of Swords Tidy Towns with 'Buddy' pictured at Swords Castle with Fingal County Council Director of Environment, Climate Action and Active Travel Department Dave Storey and Litter Warden Wendy promoting the Regional Dog Fouling ‘Bag It Bin It’ Campaign to address dog litter.

bag it bin it group