Active Travel Plan for Skerries

Skerries active travel plan header image

Fingal County Council recently ran a public consultation on an Active Travel Plan for Skerries to improve the town for everybody no matter how, why or when they are in Skerries. The public consultation ran from from 22 September and closed on 3 November 2022.

Monday, 6 November 2023: We are pleased to bring you the consultation report resulting from this open consultation process. You can download and read the report by clicking here.

We asked local people and businesses to tell us what ideas they think will work best in for Skerries as the first in a series of steps to develop Active Travel proposals for the town.

We started with a blank canvas by having a public consultation before any design work commences. Following the consultation, a team of designers will be procured. They will develop specific proposals based on the feedback received. These will be presented to the community again before they are finalised and any project proposed as an outcome of this Active Travel Plan process will also be subject to individual permissions and funding being in place and may itself be consulted upon depending on the scope.

image of skerries leaflet

Watch the Webinar

On Thursday, 06 October 2022, we hosted an online information session, or webinar, where our team introduced the project and answered your questions. To watch a recording click on the video below.

Skerries Active Travel Plan Webinar October 6

What is Active Travel?

Active Travel means travelling with a purpose using your own energy. It includes walking, scooting, running, wheeling and cycling.

It includes all journeys, with an emphasis on distances under 5km, including trips to work, education, shopping, visiting friends and for recreation.

Active travel considers the needs of those who use prams, pushchairs, scooters, wheelchairs and adapted cycles, as well as new mobility modes such as e-scooters and e-bikes.

Active Travel has a number of benefits including better health and wellbeing, better air quality, lower travel costs, and improved public spaces for everybody to enjoy.

Chart of priority for road users with pedestrians at top and private car at end

Image above courtesy of National Transport Authority.

Active Travel includes a lot more than just walking and cycling! We want to hear all suggestions, big or small, including ideas for:

  • Cycle lanes, bike rental, bike parking
  • Improved public spaces, wider footpaths, more space for pedestrians, more seating areas, traffic calming, more tree/shrub planting, etc.
  • ‘Park and Stride’ and town edge parking
  • Education and communications initiatives
  • Safe school zones
  • Better access to services for the elderly and people with disabilities
  • Safer road crossing points
  • Better access to services and amenities by foot or bike
  • Traffic calming and other road safety measures
  • Better connections between different parts of the town
  • Better linkages to public transport

What suggestions might you make?

Think about all types of walking and wheeling. Meet Rachael and her daughter Lena, who walk in Skerries every day.

A walk in Skerries

This public consultation and feasibility study work is made possible thanks to funding from the National Transport Authority’s Active Travel Investment Programme.

This project is being delivered separately to the Fingal Coastal Way Greenway, with the Skerries Active Travel plan focused on the delivery of measures to support Active Travel across Skerries.

Information on the Fingal Coastal Way Greenway development can be found here.

On Thursday, 22 September the consultation launched with 2-minute on street surveys being conducted throughout Skerries and the people of Skerries stopped to chat at Floraville.

Aerial Photography of skerries Harbour