Conservation Advice Pilot Scheme - open until 30 September

New Funding Scheme for Owners of Protected Structures for Engagement of Conservation Accredited Architects open until September 30, 2022.


The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage is inviting applications for a new Conservation Advice pilot funding scheme from owners of protected structures to provide grants to cover the cost of a conservation accredited architect carrying out a survey of the property and providing tailored conservation advice for repairs or improvements.  The scheme will provide grants of €3,000 (ex. VAT) to cover the costs.

Applicants must complete the form attached and submit it to buil%74h%65%72%69t%[email protected] .i%65" rel="nofollow"> [email protected] by Friday, September 30th using the subject line ‘Conservation Advice Pilot Scheme’. Alternatively, applicants may submit their form by post to Conservation Advice Pilot Scheme, Built Heritage Policy Unit, Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, 1.06 Custom House, D01 W6X0 by the same date.

Conservation Advice Pilot - Brief for Applicants

Conservation Advice Pilot - Privacy Statement

Conservation Advice Pilot - Application Form

Scéim Phíolótach Chomhairle Caomhantais - Treoir d'Iarratasóirí

Scéim Phíolótach Chomhairle Caomhantais - Ráiteas Príobháideachais

Scéim Phíolótach Chomhairle Caomhantais - Foirm Iarratais

Successful applicants will be selected by lottery and provided by the Department with a list of conservation architects participating in the scheme. The applicant will then select an architect from the list and arrange a site visit. Based on the site visit the architect will compile a report using the Conservation Advice Template attached. The completed report will be provided to both the building owner and the Department. The Department will use the reports only for the purpose of approving the grant payment, in line with the Data Privacy Statement attached. The Department will make grant payments directly to the architect on receipt and approval of the required Conservation Advice and invoice.