Seatown Road to Malahide Estuary
Road Safety, Cycling and Walking Improvements

Why is this scheme needed?
To make Seatown Road safer for everyone, particularly those walking and cycling, we are proposing cycle lanes, traffic calming and road layout improvements from the entrance to Seatown Road at Seatown Roundabout to the roundabout at the junction with Estuary Road. Works are expected to take approximately 3 months and will begin in Q3 2023.
Fingal County Council is proposing changes to reduce traffic speed and improve road safety along Seatown Road, particularly for people walking or travelling by bike by upgrading and extending existing cycle lanes along this full road length.
Whether you are heading to sport, travelling to the shops, or commuting, cycling, and walking are free, healthy, and environmentally friendly ways to travel. The proposed works are in line with a vision for active and sustainable travel that contributes to safer routes to school, supports better mental and physical health, and protects our climate by reducing carbon emissions.
Where is the proposed work happening?
All work will take place within the area of Seatown Road starting from Seatown Roundabout and ending at the junction of Seatown Road and Estuary Road. Some images of the proposed works are shown, and full detail can be found at
How can I get involved?
We are inviting everyone to comment on these proposed plans as part of a Public Consultation. Make a submission online at or by post.
Postal submissions should be sent to: Senior Executive Engineer, Fingal County Council, Department of Environment, Climate Action & Active Travel, Grove Road, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15, D15 W638. When making a postal submission please mark it clearly with ‘Seatown Road.’ State your name, address and where relevant, the body or organisation you represent.

Information Leaflet
An information leaflet has been distributed to residents and businesses on this area of Seatown Road.

Tell Us What You Think
We're asking for your feedback. Have your say before Wednesday, 26 April 2023 at 23.59 hrs.
Webinar Recording
We hosted an online information session on Monday, 3 April 2023. To watch a recording of the session click on the video below.