Newtown Bridge, Balheary Road
Road Safety, Cycling and Walking Improvements
Why is this scheme needed?
To make Balheary Road safer for everyone, particularly those walking and cycling, we are proposing the introduction of new traffic calming and road layout improvements on Newtown Bridge and on the approach to the bridge.
Fingal County Council is proposing to widen the footpath across Newtown Bridge, reduce traffic to one lane crossing the bridge and provide a cycle lane. These improvements will make the journey to the park and to local sports facilities safer, particularly for children travelling on foot or by bike. The works will also improve pedestrian and cyclist access to Broadmeadow Park.
Whether you’re heading to sport, travelling to the shops or commuting, cycling is a free, healthy and environmentally friendly way to travel. These proposed works are in line with a vision for active and sustainable travel that contributes to safer routes to school, supports better mental and physical health and protects our climate by reducing carbon emissions.

Works proposed include
- Pedestrian crossing with traffic lights on Newtown Bridge
- Widen footpath to provide space for people to walk and cycle together safely
- Extend and upgrade existing protected cycle lane to bridge from Swords
- Install traffic lights to allow traffic to pass over bridge, taking turns one direction at a time
- Measures to reduce speed on approach to the bridge
- Improve pedestrian entrance to Broadmeadow Park and to Balheary reservoir lands at Swords Celtic FC
Where is the proposed work happening?
All works will take place at the approaches to and on Newtown Bridge, Balheary Road, Swords.
How can I get involved?
A Public Consultation on these works was held from 29 March 2023 to 26 April 2023, where submission was received and considered as part of the overall Detailed Design Process.
This Non Statutory Public Consultation is pursuant to section 38 of the Road Traffic Act 1994 in line with the Guidelines on Traffic Work Procedures October 2023.
You may make an observation or submission on the proposals as part of this non-statutory public consultation. Make a submission online from 14 August 2024 until 23.59hrs 28 August 2024, at or by post.
Postal submissions should be sent to Senior Executive Engineer, Fingal County Council, Department of Environment, Climate Action, Active Travel & Sports, Grove Road, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15, D15 W638. When making a submission please mark it clearly with “ Newtown Bridge, Balheary Road Swords”. State your name and address and where relevant, the body or organisation you represent.

Information Leaflet
An information leaflet has previously been distributed to residents and businesses on this area of Balheary Road.