Fingal Digital Twins

Fingal County Council is piloting digital twins to enhance public consultation on major public realm projects. A digital twin is a completely virtual scale model of a town or village. The public can view the planned public realm projects: ‘Swords Cultural Quarter’, ‘2-4 Dublin Street, Balbriggan’, and ‘Balbriggan Quay St. Harbour Rejuvenation’ using an interactive digital twin 3D web viewer.

Fingal is the first local authority in Ireland to develop an online interactive digital twin/3D web viewer to showcase a future vision of a town.

Innovative use of 3D Models & VR Headsets for Public Consultation

Balbriggan: Quay Street &  Harbour Rejuvenation

The Balbriggan Quay Street and Harbour ​Rejuvenation can be viewed using the innovative 3D Model. The model is a visual tool which helps citizens visualise the planned transformations of the town outlined in the Our Balbriggan 2019 – 2025 Town Rejuvenation plan. The model can be described as a ‘3D Map’ or ‘Digital Twin’ of Balbriggan as it was created using aerial survey photography and ground level photo surveys. It provides easy access to a visual representation of the reimagined Harbour and Quay Street area.

The model was created to enhance community engagement, enabling people and businesses of Balbriggan to view the future transformation of their town. An interactive web viewer was created for the public to view and immerse themselves in Balbriggan’s reimagined spaces.

Click here to view the Balbriggan Quay Street & Harbour 3D web viewer.

A Future Vision for Balbriggan Quay Street & Harbour

Balbriggan: 2-4 Dublin Street

Similarly, the 2-4 Dublin Street 3D model was created to enhance public consultation, enabling the public to immerse themselves in the planned Creative Hub. Fingal County Council has approved plans for works for the creative hub at 2-4 Dublin Street, which is expected to be completed by mid-2025.

The vision for the listed building (No. 2 Dublin St.) includes the refurbishment of the existing building into creative art spaces with the adjoining lean-to (No.4 Dublin St.) being redeveloped into a creative workshop, digital learning facility with courtyard and gallery. The project will now move to the design stage before the appointment of a contractor.

Click here to view the Balbriggan 2-4 Dublin Street 3D web viewer.

2-4 Dublin St in Balbriggan

Swords Cultural Quarter

The Swords Cultural Quarter 3D Model was created to enhance public consultation and give residents and businesses an opportunity to immerse themselves in the planned civic and cultural centre.

As part of the rejuvenation of Swords, Fingal County Council are building a new civic and cultural centre. Designed by architects O’Donnell + Tuomey the building will include:

  • A new county library
  • Theatre with seating for 165 people
  • Art gallery and exhibition space
  • Maker space
  • Studios and rehearsal rooms
  • Archive and reference library
  • Café

Click here to view the Swords Cultural Quarter 3D web viewer.

Swords Cultural Quarter Virtual Reality Model