St Patrick’s Church of Ireland, Donabate

Photo credit: St Patrick’s medieval tower and church, courtesy of Mick Mongey
St Patrick’ s Church of Ireland church (1758) occupies the site of the medieval parish church of Donabate. A reference from 1275 AD says there was a monastery of Grey Friars there. Ruinous at the time of the Civil Survey (1654-6) there were still some remains visible in 1838. The Cobbe family of Newbridge House were the main benefactors of the church and had a private crypt in the tower. When the church was extended the family added a private pew to the gallery, which is decorated in ornate stucco plasterwork. The church porch incorporates a c. 15th century medieval doorway with a pointed arch.
Burials have been shown to extend beyond the graveyard walls. At the base of the slope excavation in advance of road widening identified three phases of activity. The earliest was a wide ditch which returned a date of 661-778 AD. The second phases consisted of structures, drainage ditches and pits dated to the 13th-15th centuries, while the third post-medieval phase included a path and dovecote.

Photo credit: St Patrick’s Church of Ireland, Donabate by Christine Baker
Did you know….
There is a monument to Patrick Barnewall of Staffordsown and his wife Begnet de la Hoyde, who died in 1592 in the church.
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Donabate-Portrane Heritage Audit