Skerries Audio Guide

Discover stories and rich heritage along the shore with this video and read the Skerries Audio Guide 

Skerries Audio Guide

Skerries Audio Guide Introduction.

Welcome to Skerries, one of the most picturesque and historic towns on the Dublin coast. Hugging the waters of Fingal’s Irish Sea coast, its panoramic views extend far to the north, taking in the Cooley and Mourne Mountains and down to the south to Howth and beyond. This is a coast of contrast. The town of Skerries is an energetic place, home to a community of vibrant social and cultural activity. With its wide-open spaces and the offshore islands which speckle the horizon, this is also a peaceful haven, a refuge for wildlife and heritage alike. The landscape has provided inspiration for artists throughout the centuries including Percy French who is said to have written the famous song ‘Mountains of Mourne’ following a holiday to the town where he sat regarding the view of the mountains sweeping down to the sea. This audio guide will tell you the story of the town of Skerries, its harbour and the islands beyond. We will journey from its origins to the present day. In the episodes that follow you will hear tell of Vikings and Pirates, Crusaders and Rebels, Great Landlords and Great Industry.

As you’ll soon discover, the cast of characters even includes St Patrick himself, who left a permanent mark on the Skerries coast! Along with the past, this guide will also explore the importance of the present, through the ecological and especially the avian wonders to be found just off Skerries. Whether you prefer to stroll down Strand Street or along South Strand take in the sights and sounds of Skerries Mills or Red Island’s Martello, or set sail from the harbour, this guide will tell you the tales that lie behind it all. But to begin, let’s travel back through the mists of time, to consider the earliest origins of this very special place.

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