Xplore Your Future TY Skills Expo Set to Ignite Career Aspirations Among Young Students

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Fingal County Council, in collaboration with Dublin City University (DCU), Dublin Regional Skills Forum (DRSF), and Solas, will host the Xplore Your Future TY Skills Expo, a transformative event set to take place at The Helix, Dublin City University, on Tuesday, 3 October, from 9 am to 4 pm.

The Xplore Your Future TY Skills Expo is the first-ever event of its kind hosted by a local authority. It is designed to empower Transition Year (TY) students aged 15-17 to embark on a journey of discovery, unveiling a universe of diverse career opportunities and alternative pathways as they transition from secondary education.

The Mayor of Fingal, Cllr Adrian Henchy, said: “The significance of the Xplore Your Future TY Skills Expo reaches far beyond our immediate community, as it has the potential to serve as a pioneering model for local authorities nationwide. The Fingal Skills Strategy, which is a visionary partnership between the local authority, industry, and education, is a collaborative effort to create career opportunities for local residents and strengthen the workforce pool available to businesses in Fingal.”

John Quinlivan, Director of Economic, Enterprise, Tourism, Cultural Development at Fingal County Council, said schools across Fingal were delighted with the initiative.

"As this is the first-ever TY event from Fingal County Council, we took proactive steps to engage with local schools in advance seeking expressions of interest. We are delighted that the response was overwhelmingly positive, so it became a pre-registered event and was booked out very quickly," said John Quinlivan, Director of Economic, Enterprise, Tourism, Cultural Development at Fingal County Council. We envisage the Xplore Your Future TY Skills Expo becoming an annual event and we are eager to expand our reach and invite more schools to join us in empowering our youth.”

Joey Ryan, a teacher from St. Mary’s Secondary School Baldoyle said: "We are truly excited about the Xplore Your Future TY Skills Expo and believe it's a fantastic opportunity for our students. We have a total of 50 students from our school attending, and they are all eagerly looking forward to engaging and interacting with the diverse range of career opportunities and experiences that this event has to offer. It's an invaluable initiative that will undoubtedly inspire our young learners as they prepare to decide on their future paths."

The Deputy Chief Executive of Fingal County Council, Ethna Felton, said: "We are deeply committed to shaping the future of our community's youth by providing them with the tools and inspiration they need to realise their full potential. The Xplore Your Future TY Skills Expo embodies our vision to create lasting impact by broadening the students’ horizons, igniting imaginations, and opening doors to unimagined possibilities."

The expo will offer an immersive and interactive platform, boasting live demonstrations, virtual reality experiences, and hands-on learning opportunities that showcase various routes to careers, including apprenticeships, earn-and-learn programs, and innovative pathways.

Various exhibitors from education and industry will be in attendance, including the Dublin Department of Further and Higher Education, Dublin Airport Authority (DAA), Mercury, as well as key contributors such as DDLETB (Dublin and Dún Laoghaire Education and Training Board), CDVEC (City of Dublin Education and Training Board), the National Apprenticeships Office, TUDublin (Technological University Dublin), the Irish Institute of Music & Song, An Garda Síochána, Dublin Fire Brigade and among others. All exhibitors are committed to providing invaluable insights and guidance, making this event an exceptional opportunity for students to explore their future career paths.

Aoife Sheridan, Senior Executive Officer with Fingal County Council’s Economic, Enterprise, Tourism, Cultural Development Department, said: " We are delighted to welcome students and teachers from schools all over Fingal to The Helix for the inaugural Xplore Expo. The Expo is an opportunity for students to explore opportunities for education and training for the jobs of the future. This initiative comes from the work of the Fingal Skills Strategy Group and is part of Fingal County Council’s involvement in the Interreg SKYLA Project and aligns with the European Year of Skills, which brings industry and education together to develop the skills required for the future. This work is driving Ireland's and Fingal’s economic and social growth by developing a strong pipeline of talent. Our youth is our future, and we are committed to ensuring that they have opportunities to thrive. Together, we are paving the way for a more prosperous and empowered generation."

For more information on Xplore please see: https://www.fingal.ie/xplore