Strawberry Beds Cultural and Creativity baseline study

Strawberry Beds Cultural and Creativity baseline study
The Strawberry Beds (Na Ceapóga Sú Talún) is a locality and small settlement 7km west of Dublin City on the edge of Phoenix Park. The Strawberry Beds Residents' Association (SBRA) will appoint a consultant to undertake a mapping exercise of existing venues used for artistic, cultural and creative activities in the Strawberry Beds area and produce a needs analysis of the wider cultural and creative activity in the Strawberry Beds catchment area. The consultant will engage with an agreed catchment audience to produce this needs analysis. As part of this process, an online survey will be designed for residents and catchment facilities. Workshops will be facilitated for artists, creatives and other specific individuals/groups from different genres to discuss opportunities for developing the area as a cultural/ creative hub. Through identifying current needs, the Strawberry Beds can share in the development of the cultural and creative sector as outlined in Fingal County Council's Culture and Creativity Strategy for 2023-2027. A final report outlining the findings and needs analysis will be produced.