LifeBio - Words and Pictures Project

This initiative supports older people living in Fingal to write and collect memories through autobiography templates, memoir writing, photography, scrapbooking, and Art. Dublin City University (DCU) will work with three groups of 10 – 15 older people in Fingal (Active Age Swords; Active Age for All Donabate; Age-Friendly Group Skerries) over six weeks to engage them in reminiscence activities, which research shows can improve their mental, psychological and emotional health. These workshops, designed for older people, include a customised approach to facilitate social interaction and influence opportunities to engage across various media. For example, photography encourages discussion around photographs and emphasises sharing of photographs within domestic settings. Storytelling/writing allows older people to re-examine themselves and facilitates social interaction in domestic settings and everyday life. Scrapbooking and Art provide opportunities to depict, capture and recall people, stories, and emotions. In addition to the health benefits, it allows older people to share their life experiences and legacy with younger generations. As a form of social prescribing it is an effective method of engaging older people to promote their health and wellbeing and reduce health inequalities.