Final Call for Climate Action Comments

Draft Fingal Climate Action Plan 2024-2029

Friday, 3 November is the final chance to submit your comments on Fingal's Draft Climate Action Plan, determining how the County responds to climate change in the next five years.

The Draft Climate Action Plan 2024-2029 went on public display on 20 September and following several weeks the public consultation is about to close. Those interested in the future of Fingal and how it will handle climate change and take action to prevent and mitigate it's effects are invited to make their submissions as soon as possible. The consultation will close on Friday, 3 November at 5pm and all submissions must have been received by this time.

You can read the Draft Climate Action Plan and respond to it here. Tell us what you think of our plans, we want to hear what people living in, working in and visiting Fingal have to say!

You can also read comments sent in by others to help inspire your own response. Respond to themes including:

  • Energy and Buildings
  • Transport
  • Flood Resilience
  • Nature Based Solutions
  • Circular Economy and Resource Management
  • Community Engagement