Line of cones won’t stop a speeding car but you can

Every year there are hundreds of incursions into roadworks which put road workers’ lives at risk and lead to deaths and serious injury. This has spurred local authorities from around Ireland to join forces to take action.

An Orange Cone Safety Zone Week campaign, which has its focus on the lack of awareness of some drivers that roadworks are a place of work for thousands of people and that all of us have a right to expect a safe working environment, is being launched by local authority road safety officers from around the country.

Roadworks cones

The campaign is being launched on a very fitting day: April 1 (Aprils Fool’s Day). The message here is ‘only a fool speeds through roadworks sites’.

Andrew Nolan, Road Safety Officer said: “A small minority of drivers still think it is ok to speed when driving through roadworks. This is not only dangerous to themselves, but they are also putting the lives of the road workers at risk.

“The campaign is about reminding road users that road works are like any other work place, and our workers have just as much right to work in a safe environment. We know you want to get home but so do our workers. See the cones, obey the zones.”

 David Storey, Director of Services, Operations Department said: “Improving safety at roadworks takes real collaboration across the roads industry, and I am delighted that these companies have come together to jointly support this campaign.

“It epitomises the spirit of co-operation that exists in our supply chain on this important issue as we continue our work to ensure that nobody comes to harm as a result of working for or on behalf of Fingal County Council.“


If you drive a vehicle, at some point you’ll drive through roadworks. Follow these safety tips:

  • Adhere the speed limit on display.
  • Follow the temporary road signage in place.
  • Stay alert for the roadworkers and machinery.
  • Keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front.
  •  Do not break the red light or ignore a flagman stop sign.


Roadworks signs


The following are key elements of temporary traffic control management in roadworks:

  • Training

All persons working on roads should be trained on how to work safely near public traffic namely by completing the Health and Safety at Roadworks on Roads (1 Day) and/or Signing, Lighting & Guarding (3 day) course.

  • Make yourself visible

All workers should always wear high-visibility clothing during roadworks.

  • Traffic management

Suitable traffic management must be in place to safeguard workers and members of the public.

  • Work areas

Must be clearly marked and must be protected with buffer or safety zones.