€61,290 allocated to Summer Projects by Fingal County Council

Fingal County Council’s Summer Projects Programme was officially launched by the Mayor of Fingal, Cllr. Adrian Henchy, on Monday, May 27th, 2024, in Balbriggan

Summer projects 2024

Fingal County Council’s Summer Projects Programme was officially launched by the Mayor of Fingal, Cllr. Adrian Henchy, on Monday, May 27th, 2024, in Balbriggan.

The launch was attended by young people and representatives from Flemington Community Centre, Aster Family Resource Centre, Dublin North Foróige, and Sustainable Skerries. Over 30 community groups and services across the county have received funding in 2024 through the Community Development Office, Summer Projects Funding Scheme. This scheme supports community groups and services to provide a supervised programme of recreational and educational activities for young people during the summer. The focus is on encouraging community involvement and developing resources and groups within localities. Summer programmes are also required to incorporate themed activities focusing on community safety, health & wellbeing, climate action, and integration.

Mayor of Fingal Cllr. Adrian Henchy stated, "It is a great opportunity for Fingal County Council to support our community groups and services in providing a variety of youth focused activities across different areas of need in Fingal. This investment in our young people is an investment in the future prosperity and well-being of our community."

Sinead Wiley, Senior Community Officer, Community Development Office, added, "The Summer Project Programme provides a valuable opportunity for young people for personal growth, education, and recreation during the summer months. By funding these initiatives, we not only support the development of important life skills but also promote a sense of community and belonging for young people."