The Count

Watch a live stream of the 2024 count from 6pm on Saturday June 8 on our You Tube channel
Live Blog
Follow the count on our live blog direct from the Count Centre. The most recent post appears first. Scroll down to see older posts.
18:15 | Thanks for joining us for the local elections. The count has now ended and there will be no further posts in this live blog. |
18:11 |
Councillor Eoghan O'Brien (Fianna Fáil) is deemed elected. Councillor David Healy (Green) is deemed elected. All seats have now been filled in the Howth-Malahide LEA. |
18:10 |
The request for a recount in the Howth-Malahide LEA was withdrawn and we were able to proceed with the eighth count. The result of the eighth count in Howth-Malahide LEA is: Healy (Green) 2,154, Lavin (Fine Gael) 2,108 , O'Brien (Fianna Fáil) 2,490. |
15:36 |
Eimear Carbon-Mangan is deemed elected. All seats in the Castleknock LEA have now been filled. |
15:34 |
The results of the eighth count in the Castleknock LEA are: Carbone-Mangan (Fianna Fail) 1,584; Mahony (Fianna Fáil) 1,459. |
15:32 |
John Burtchaell (People Before Profit) is deemed elected. Councillor JK Onwumereh (Fianna Fáil) is deemed elected. Patrick Quinlan (The National Party) is deemed elected. All seats in the Blanchardstown-Mulhuddart LEA are now filled. |
15:31 |
The following is the result of the twelfth count in Blanchardstown-Mulhuddart: Onwumereh (Fianna Fáil) 1,021; O'Reilly (Fine Gael) 835; Burtchaell (People Before Profit) 855; Quinlan (The National Party) 855. |
15:30 | Councillor Mary McCamley (Labour) is deemed elected. |
15:20 |
The following is the result of the eleventh count in Blanchardstown-Mulhuddart: McCamley (Labour) 1,105, Onwumereh (Fianna Fáil) 1,001; O'Reilly (Fine Gael) 816; Burtchaell (People Before Profit) 840; Quinlan (The National Party) 838. |
13:20 | The recounting continues with no new announcements as yet. We will keep you updated as soon as we have news to report. |
10:25 |
The following is the current picture in LEAs where seats still remain: Howth-Malahide - 5 of 7 seats elected:
Castleknock - 5 of 6 seats elected:
Blanchardstown-Mulhuddart - 1 of 5 elected:
10:15 |
There are 33 seats filled out of 40 so far. |
10:04 |
For those just catching up we have completed elections in the following areas: Balbriggan:
09:50 |
We're back for day 3 at the Fingal Count Centre in Cloghran and count staff are arriving as we prepare to count in three remaining LEAS. All are recounts: Blanchardstown-Mulhuddart Howth-Malahide Castleknock All three will commence at 10am. |
00:30 |
There are 3 recounts remaining: Blanchardstown-Mulhuddart Howth-Malahide Castleknock All three will commence tomorrow morning at 10am. |
23:55 |
Gerard Sheehan (Aontú) is deemed elected. Tom Kitt (Fianna Fáil) is deemed elected. Kieran Dennison (Fine Gael) is deemed elected. All seats in the Ongar LEA are now filled. |
23:52 |
The result of the eleventh count in Ongar LEA is: Dennison (Fine Gael) 1,212, Kitt (Fianna Fáil) 1,217, Sheehan (Aontu) 1,396, Murphy (Social Democrats) 972. |
23:46 |
Darren Jack Kelly (Non-Party) is deemed elected. Marian Buckley (Sinn Féin) is deemed elected. All seats in the Swords LEA have now been filled. |
23:43 |
The results of the tenth count for Swords LEA are: Buckley (Sinn Féin) 1,259, Graves (Sinn Féin) 1,247, Kelly (Non-Party) 1,544, |
23:30 | Councillor James Humphreys is deemed elected. |
23:25 |
The result of the ninth count in Swords LEA is: Buckley (Sinn Féin) 1,255, Graves (Sinn Féin) 1,245, Humphreys (Labour) 1,677, Kelly (Non-Party) 1,537, |
23:06 | Asad Ali (Fianna Fáil) has been eliminated and his 752 votes will be redistributed. |
23:05 |
The result of the tenth count in Ongar LEA is: Dennison (Fine Gael) 1,611.061, Kitt (Fianna Fáil) 1,024, Sheehan (Aontu) 1,322, Ali (Fianna Fáil) 752, Murphy (Social Democrats) 924. |
22:57 | Councillor Brigid Manton has been eliminated and her 1,147 votes will now be redistributed. |
22:55 |
The request for a recount in the Swords LEA was withdrawn and we were able to proceed with the eighth count. The result of the eighth count in Swords LEA is: Buckley (Sinn Féin) 1,191, Graves (Sinn Féin) 1,150, Humphreys (Labour) 1,362, Kelly (Non-Party) 1,363, Manton (Fianna Fáil) 1,147. |
22:47 |
Malachy Quinn (Sinn Féin) is deemed elected. All seats in the Balbriggan LEA are now filled. |
22:45 |
The result of the tenth count in Balbriggan LEA is: Power (Green) 1,459, Quinn (Sinn Féin) 1,559. |
22:30 | Councillor Brian McDonagh is deemed elected. |
22:29 |
The result of the seventh count in Howth-Malahide LEA is: Healy (Green) 2,142, Lavin (Fine Gael) 2,078, McDonagh (Labour) 2,628, O'Brien (Fianna Fáil) 2,437. |
22:07 | A full recount has been requested in the Blanchardstown-Mulhuddart LEA. This recount will commence at 10am tomorrow. |
21:32 | Kate Relihan (People Before Profit) has been eliminated and her 588 votes will be redistributed. |
21:31 |
The result of the ninth count in Ongar LEA is: Dennison (Fine Gael) 1,036, Kitt (Fianna Fáil) 1,000, Sheehan (Aontu) 1,225, Ali (Fianna Fáil) 725, Murphy (Social Democrats) 683, Relihan (People Before Profit) 588. |
21:17 | A full recount has been requested in the Castleknock LEA. |
20:57 |
Councillor Jimmy Guerin is deemed elected and his surplus of 199 votes will be redistributed. Cathal Haughey is deemed elected and his surplus of 95 votes will be redistributed. |
20:55 |
The result of the sixth count in Howth-Malahide LEA is: Guerin (Non-Party) 2,814, Haughey (Fianna Fáil) 2,710, Healy (Green) 2,082, Lavin (Fine Gael) 2,036, McDonagh (Labour) 2,568, O'Brien (Fianna Fáil) 2,400. |
20:20 | Paul Fitzsimons (Irish Freedom Party) has been eliminated and his 515 votes will be redistributed. |
20:28 |
The result of the eighth count in Ongar LEA is: Dennison (Fine Gael) 1,032, Kitt (Fianna Fáil) 981, Sheehan (Aontu) 1,026, Ali (Fianna Fáil) 725, Fitzsimons (Irish Freedom Party) 515, Murphy (Social Democrats) 656, Relihan (People Before Profit) 558. |
20:18 |
Councillor Brendan Ryan (Labour) is deemed elected and his surplus of 171 votes will be redistributed. Councillor Tom O'Leary (Fine Gael) is deemed elected. |
20:16 |
The result of the eighth count in Balbriggan LEA is: O'Leary (Fine Gael) 1,886, Power (Green) 1,370, Quinn (Sinn Féin) 1,504, Ryan (Labour) 2,009. |
19:53 | Margaret Donnellan (Non-Party) has been eliminated and her 1,553 votes will be redistributed. |
19:53 | Councillor Aoibhinn Tormey (Fine Gael) is deemed elected. Her surplus of 22 votes will be redistributed. |
19:50 |
The result of the fifth count in Howth-Malahide LEA is: Donnellan (Non-Party) 1,553, Guerin (Non-Party) 2,379, Haughey (Fianna Fáil) 2,498, Healy (Green) 1,955, Lavin (Fine Gael) 1,857, McDonagh (Labour) 2,455, O'Brien (Fianna Fáil) 2,269, Tormey (Fine Gael) 2,637. |
19:25 | Robbie Loughlin (Aontú) has been eliminated and his 640 votes will be redistributed. |
19:23 |
The result of the tenth count in Blanchardstown-Mulhuddart LEA is: McCamley (Labour) 1,002, Onwumereh (Fianna Fáil) 937; O'Reilly (Fine Gael) 775; Burtchaell (People Before Profit) 764; Loughlin (Aontú) 640; Quinlan (The National Party) 684. |
19:19 | Councillor Angela Donnelly is deemed elected and her surplus of 313 votes will be redistributed. |
19:17 |
The result of the seventh count in Ongar LEA is: Donnelly (Sinn Féin) 1,739, Dennison (Fine Gael) 1,027, Kitt (Fianna Fáil) 960, Sheehan (Aontu) 978, Ali (Fianna Fáil) 716, Fitzsimons (Irish Freedom Party) 487, Murphy (Social Democrats) 614, Relihan (People Before Profit) 510. |
19:10 | Sinéad Lucey Brennan (Fianna Fáil) has been eliminated and her 921 votes will be redistributed. |
19:09 | Councillor Gráinne Maguire is deemed elected and her surplus of 49 votes will be redistributed. |
19:08 |
The result of the seventh count in Balbriggan LEA is: Brennan (Fianna Fáil) 921, Maguire (Non-Party) 1,887, O'Leary (Fine Gael) 1,544, Power (Green) 1,216, Quinn (Sinn Féin) 1,454, Ryan (Labour) 1,779. |
18:55 |
Ellen Troy (Aontú) is deemed elected. Ruth Coppinger (People Before Profit) is deemed elected and her surplus of 413 votes will be redistributed. |
18:53 |
The results of the seventh count in the Castleknock LEA are: Troy (Aontú) 2,087; Coppinger (People Before Profit) 2,429; Carbone-Mangan (Fianna Fail) 1,508; Mahony (Fianna Fáil) 1,395. |
18:52 | A request for a full recount of ballots has been made for the Swords LEA. |
18:49 | Tara Bailey (Sinn Féin) has been eliminated and her 1,301 votes will be redistributed. |
18:47 |
The result of the fourth count in Howth-Malahide LEA is: Bailey (Sinn Féin) 1,301, Donnellan (Non-Party) 1,389, Guerin (Non-Party) 2,115, Haughey (Fianna Fáil) 2,411, Healy (Green) 1,828, Lavin (Fine Gael) 1,836, McDonagh (Labour) 2,275, O'Brien (Fianna Fáil) 2,224, Tormey (Fine Gael) 2,612. |
18:11 | Anne Marie Brady (Sinn Féin) has been eliminated and her 837 votes will be redistributed. |
18:09 |
The result of the sixth count in Balbriggan LEA is: Brady (Sinn Féin) 837, Brennan (Fianna Fáil) 883, Maguire (Non-Party) 1,768, O'Leary (Fine Gael) 1,519, Power (Green) 1,192, Quinn (Sinn Féin) 945, Ryan (Labour) 1,736. |
18:00 | Declan Cairns (Sinn Féin) has been eliminated and his 408 votes will be redistributed. |
17:58 |
The result of the sixth count in Ongar LEA is: Donnelly (Sinn Féin) 1,406, Dennison (Fine Gael) 1,020, Kitt (Fianna Fáil) 951, Sheehan (Aontu) 973, Ali (Fianna Fáil) 711, Fitzsimons (Irish Freedom Party) 482, Murphy (Social Democrats) 608, Relihan (People Before Profit) 499, Cairns (Sinn Féin) 408. |
17:46 | Councillor Joe Newman is deemed elected. His surplus of 120 votes will be redistributed. |
17:45 |
The result of the seventh count in Swords LEA is: Buckley (Sinn Féin) 1,184, Graves (Sinn Féin) 1,138, Humphreys (Labour) 1,325, Kelly (Non-Party) 1,347, Manton (Fianna Fáil) 1,133, Newman (Non-Party) 1,760. |
17:41 |
Eoghan Dockrell (Fine Gael) is deemed elected without reaching the quota. Paul Mulville (Social Democrats) is deemed elected without reaching the quota. Cathal Boland (Non-Party) is deemed elected without reaching the quota.
All seats in the Rush-Lusk LEA have now been filled. |
17:40 |
The result of the sixth count in Rush-Lusk is: Boland (Non-Party) 1,951, Dockrell (Fine Gael) 2,001, Dennehy (Fianna Fáil) 1,689, Mulville (Social Democrats) 1,991. |
17:34 | Councillor Breda Hanaphy is deemed elected in the Blanchardstown-Mulhuddart LEA. Her surplus of 130 votes will now be redistributed. |
17:31 |
The result of the ninth count in Blanchardstown-Mulhuddart LEA is: McCamley (Labour) 974, Onwumereh (Fianna Fáil) 925; O'Reilly (Fine Gael) 766; Hanaphy (Sinn Féin) 1,155; Burtchaell (People Before Profit) 717; Loughlin (Aontú) 617; Quinlan (The National Party) 673. |
17:26 | Margaret McGovern (Aontú) has been eliminated and her 989 votes will be redistributed. |
17:23 |
The result of the third count in Howth-Malahide LEA is: Bailey (Sinn Féin) 1,240, Donnellan (Non-Party) 1,218, Guerin (Non-Party) 1,910, Haughey (Fianna Fáil) 2,335, Healy (Green) 1,788, Lavin (Fine Gael) 1,794, McGovern (Aontú) 989, McDonagh (Labour) 2,234, O'Brien (Fianna Fáil) 2,164, Tormey (Fine Gael) 2,550. |
17:05 | Bryn Edwards (People Before Profit) has been eliminated and his 509 votes will be redistributed. |
17:04 |
The result of the fifth count in Balbriggan LEA is: Brady (Sinn Féin) 736, Brennan (Fianna Fáil) 861, Edwards (People Before Profit) 509, Maguire (Non-Party) 1,679, O'Leary (Fine Gael) 1,501, Power (Green) 1,099, Quinn (Sinn Féin) 884, Ryan (Labour) 1,680. |
17:02 | Phil Lynam has been eliminated and his 1,229 votes will be redistributed. |
16:54 |
The results of the sixth count in the Castleknock LEA are: Troy (Aontú) 1,815; Coppinger (People Before Profit) 1,990; Carbone-Mangan (Fianna Fail) 1,451; Mahony (Fianna Fáil) 1,332; Lynam (Sinn Fein) 1,229. |
16:46 | Niall O'Donoghue (Sinn Féin) has been eliminated and his 288 votes will be redistributed. |
16:43 |
The result of the fifth count in Ongar LEA is: Donnelly (Sinn Féin) 1,257, Dennison (Fine Gael) 1,017, Kitt (Fianna Fáil) 945, Sheehan (Aontu) 961, Ali (Fianna Fáil) 707, Fitzsimons (Irish Freedom Party) 478, Murphy (Social Democrats) 591, Relihan (People Before Profit) 486, Cairns (Sinn Féin) 346, O'Donoghue (Sinn Féin) 288. |
16:37 | Ian Carey (Green) has been eliminated and his 962 votes will be redistributed. |
16:36 |
The result of the sixth count in Swords LEA is: Buckley (Sinn Féin) 1,136, Carey (Green) 962, Graves (Sinn Féin) 1,057, Humphreys (Labour) 1,002, Kelly (Non-Party) 1,291, Manton (Fianna Fáil) 995, Newman (Non-Party) 1,630. |
16:33 | Damien Bissett (Sinn Féin) has been eliminated and a surplus of 569 votes will be redistributed. |
16:29 |
The result of the eighth count in Blanchardstown-Mulhuddart LEA is: McCamley (Labour) 945, Onwumereh (Fianna Fáil) 908; O'Reilly (Fine Gael) 750; Hanaphy (Sinn Féin) 773; Burtchaell (People Before Profit) 673; Loughlin (Aontú) 604; Quinlan (The National Party) 665; Bissett (Sinn Féin) 569. |
16:27 | Councillor Adrian Henchy has been eliminated and a surplus of 1,011 votes will be redistributed. |
16:26 |
The result of the fifth count in Rush-Lusk is: Boland (Non-Party) 1,878, Dockrell (Fine Gael) 1,731, Dennehy (Fianna Fáil) 1,500, Mulville (Social Democrats) 1,618, Henchy (Fianna Fáil) 1,011, Roche (Sinn Féin) 946. |
16:03 | Michelle Griffin (Green) has been eliminated and a surplus of 259 votes will be redistributed. |
16:00 |
The result of the fourth count in Ongar LEA is: Donnelly (Sinn Féin) 1,247, Dennison (Fine Gael) 973, Kitt (Fianna Fáil) 920, Sheehan (Aontu) 942, Ali (Fianna Fáil) 686, Fitzsimons (Irish Freedom Party) 477, Murphy (Social Democrats) 503, Relihan (People Before Profit) 462, Cairns (Sinn Féin) 345, O'Donoghue (Sinn Féin) 287, Griffin (Green) 259. |
15:57 | John Oakes (Irish Freedom Party) has been eliminated and his 373 votes will be redistributed. |
15:56 |
The result of the fourth count in Balbriggan LEA is: Brady (Sinn Féin) 722, Brennan (Fianna Fáil) 855, Edwards (People Before Profit) 494, Maguire (Non-Party) 1,560, Oakes (Irish Freedom Party) 373, O'Leary (Fine Gael) 1,484, Power (Green) 1,098, Quinn (Sinn Féin) 871, Ryan (Labour) 1,660. |
15:50 | Ollie Power (People Before Profit) has been eliminated and 490 votes will be redistributed. |
15:49 |
The result of the fifth count in Swords LEA is: Buckley (Sinn Féin) 1,046, Carey (Green) 897, Graves (Sinn Féin) 1,000, Humphreys (Labour) 943, Kelly (Non-Party) 1,250, Manton (Fianna Fáil) 985, Newman (Non-Party) 1,551, Power (People Before Profit) 490. |
15:45 | Suzanne Delaney (Non-Party) has been eliminated and 488 votes will be redistributed. |
15:43 |
The result of the seventh count in Blanchardstown-Mulhuddart LEA is: McCamley (Labour) 896, Onwumereh (Fianna Fáil) 891; O'Reilly (Fine Gael) 729; Hanaphy (Sinn Féin) 724; Burtchaell (People Before Profit) 615; Loughlin (Aontú) 550; Quinlan (The National Party) 528; Bissett (Sinn Féin) 555; Delaney (Non-Party) 488. |
15:30 | Councillor Siobhan Shovlin (Fine Gael) is deemed elected in the Castleknock LEA and a surplus of 348 votes will be redistributed. |
15:29 |
The results of the fifth count in the Castleknock LEA are: Shovlin (Fine Gael) 2,364; Troy (Aontú) 1,795; Coppinger (People Before Profit) 1,951; Carbone-Mangan (Fianna Fail) 1,317; Mahony (Fianna Fáil) 1,276; Lynam (Sinn Fein) 1,221. |
15:20 | Patrick Roche (Sinn Féin) has been eliminated and his 946 votes will be redistributed. |
15:19 |
The result of the fourth count in Rush-Lusk is: Boland (Non-Party) 1,694, Dockrell (Fine Gael) 1,676, Dennehy (Fianna Fáil) 1,440, Mulville (Social Democrats) 1,323, Henchy (Fianna Fáil) 971, Roche (Sinn Féin) 946. |
15:06 |
Rachel Raesetja Ndlovu Motesta (Non-Party) has been eliminated and 54 votes will be redistributed. Jamie McGlue (Non-Party) has been eliminated and his 263 will be redistributed. Kevin Doherty (Sinn Féin) has been eliminated and his 350 votes will be redistributed. Vedh Kannan (Non-Party) has been eliminated and his 87 will be redistributed. |
15:04 |
The result of the second count in Howth-Malahide LEA is: Bailey (Sinn Féin) 1,006, Doherty (Sinn Féin) 350, Donnellan (Non-Party) 1,157, Guerin (Non-Party) 1,770, Haughey (Fianna Fáil) 2,305, Healy (Green) 1,742, Hopkins (Social Democrats) 3,272, Kannan (Non-Party) 87, Lavin (Fine Gael) 1,782, McGovern (Aontú) 914, McDonagh (Labour) 2,210, McGlue (Non-Party) 263, Ndlovu Motesta (Non-Party) 54, O'Brien (Fianna Fáil) 2,155, Tormey (Fine Gael) 2,507. |
15:01 | Oghenetano John Uwhumiakpor (Non-Party) has been eliminated and his 256 votes will be resdistributed. |
15:00 |
The result of the third count in Balbriggan LEA is: Brady (Sinn Féin) 702, Brennan (Fianna Fáil) 839, Edwards (People Before Profit) 452, Maguire (Non-Party) 1,516, Oakes (Irish Freedom Party) 367, O'Leary (Fine Gael) 1,469, Power (Green) 1,073, Quinn (Sinn Féin) 845, Ryan (Labour) 1,637, Uwhumiakpor (Non-Party) 256. |
14:52 | Nekesa Nancy Khisa has been eliminated and her 189 votes will be redistributed. |
14:50 |
The result of the third count in Ongar LEA is: Donnelly (Sinn Féin) 1,232, Dennison (Fine Gael) 937, Kitt (Fianna Fáil) 909, Sheehan (Aontu) 931, Ali (Fianna Fáil) 665, Fitzsimons (Irish Freedom Party) 471, Murphy (Social Democrats) 470, Relihan (People Before Profit) 446, Cairns (Sinn Féin) 340, O'Donoghue (Sinn Féin) 282, Griffin (Green) 240, Khisa (Labour) 189. |
14:33 | Lorna Nolan (Fianna Fáil) has been eliminated and her 461 votes will be redistributed. |
14:30 |
The result of the sixth count in Blanchardstown-Mulhuddart LEA is: McCamley (Labour) 836, Onwumereh (Fianna Fáil) 724; O'Reilly (Fine Gael) 653; Hanaphy (Sinn Féin) 689; Burtchaell (People Before Profit) 602; Loughlin (Aontú) 538; Quinlan (The National Party) 521; Nolan (Fianna Fáil) 461; Bissett (Sinn Féin) 543; Delaney (Non-Party) 471. |
14:25 | Corina Johnston is deemed elected in the Castleknock LEA with 2,068 votes and exceeded the quota by 26 votes. |
14:20 |
The result of the third count in Rush-Lusk is: Johnston (Labour) 2,068, Boland (Non-Party) 1,691, Dockrell (Fine Gael) 1,671, Dennehy (Fianna Fáil) 1,439, Mulville (Social Democrats) 1,310, Henchy (Fianna Fáil) 968, Roche (Sinn Féin) 945. |
14:15 |
The result of the fourth count in Swords LEA is: Buckley (Sinn Féin) 1,043, Carey (Green) 884, Graves (Sinn Féin) 997, Humphreys (Labour) 929, Kelly (Non-Party) 1,246, Manton (Fianna Fáil) 932, Newman (Non-Party) 1,537, Power (People Before Profit) 489. |
14:12 |
Derek McLoughlin (Non-Party) has been eliminated and his 145 votes will be redistributed. Aneta Laksa (Non-Party) has been eliminated and her 25 votes will be redistributed. |
14:10 |
The result of the second count in Balbriggan LEA is: Brady (Sinn Féin) 695, Brennan (Fianna Fáil) 835, Edwards (People Before Profit) 442, Laska (Non-Party) 25, Maguire (Non-Party) 1,470, McLoughlin (Non-Party) 145, Oakes (Irish Freedom Party) 333, O'Leary (Fine Gael) 1,463, Power (Green) 1,071, Quinn (Sinn Féin) 831, Ryan (Labour) 1,627, Uwhumiakpor (Non-Party) 249. |
14:06 | Pamela Conroy (Green) has been eliminated and her 1,124 votes will be redistributed. |
14:05 |
The result of the fourth count in Castleknock LEA is: Shovlin (Fine Gael) 2,011; Troy (Aontú) 1,730; Coppinger (People Before Profit) 1,678; Carbone-Mangan (Fianna Fail) 1,167; Mahony (Fianna Fáil) 1,146; Lynam (Sinn Fein) 1,172; Conroy (Green Party) 1,124. |
14:02 | Conor Linnane (Sinn Féin) has been eliminated and his 340 votes will be redistributed. |
14:00 |
The result of the third count in Swords LEA is: Buckley (Sinn Féin) 915, Carey (Green) 880, Graves (Sinn Féin) 883, Humphreys (Labour) 913, Kelly (Non-Party) 1,235, Linnane (Sinn Féin) 340, Manton (Fianna Fáil) 922, Newman (Non-Party) 1,511, Power (People Before Profit) 477. |
13:10 |
Fergal O'Connell, Non-Party has been eliminated and his 287 votes will be redistributed. Aneta Laska, Non-Party has been eliminated and her 124 votes will be redistributed. Suzanne Young has been eliminated and her 378 votes will be redistributed. |
13:05 |
The result of the second count in Rush-Lusk is: Johnston (Labour) 1,952, Boland (Non-Party) 1,497, Dockrell (Fine Gael) 1,602, Dennehy (Fianna Fáil) 1,387, Mulville (Social Democrats) 1,158, Henchy (Fianna Fáil) 936, Roche (Sinn Féin) 888, Young (Green) 378, O'Connell (Non-Party) 287, Laska (Non-Party) 124. |
12:47 | Neil Dowling (Social Democrats) has been eliminated and count six in Blanchardstown-Mulhuddart is now underway. |
12:45 |
The result of the fifth count in Blanchardstown-Mulhuddart LEA is: McCamley (Labour) 745; Onwumereh (Fianna Fáil) 697; O'Reilly (Fine Gael) 625; Hanaphy (Sinn Féin) 663; Burtchaell (People Before Profit) 522; Loughlin (Aontú) 495; Quinlan (The National Party) 515; Nolan (Fianna Fáil) 451; Bissett (Sinn Féin) 515; Delaney (Non-Party) 451; Dowling (Social Democrats) 402. |
12:40 | Councillor Joan Hopkins is deemed elected in the Howth-Malahide LEA with 3,272 votes and exceeded the quota by 657 votes. |
12:35 |
The result of the first count in Howth-Malahide LEA is: Bailey (Sinn Féin) 956, Doherty (Sinn Féin) 331, Donnellan (Non-Party) 1,130, Guerin (Non-Party) 1,695, Haughey (Fianna Fáil) 2,260, Healy (Green) 1,591, Hopkins (Social Democrats) 3,272, Kannan (Non-Party) 80, Lavin (Fine Gael) 1,767, McGovern (Aontú) 896, McDonagh (Labour) 2,114, McGlue (Non-Party) 253, Ndlovu Motesta (Non-Party) 50, O'Brien (Fianna Fáil) 2,139, Tormey (Fine Gael) 2,383. |
12:30 | The stats for Howth-Malahide LEA: Electorate: 46,575 Total Poll: 21,149 Spoilt Votes: 232 Valid Poll: 20,917 Turnout: 45% Quota: 2,615 |
12:22 | Andrew Doyle (People Before Profit) has been eliminated and count three in Ongar LEA is now underway. |
12:20 |
The result of the second count in Ongar LEA is: Donnelly (Sinn Féin) 1,227, Dennison (Fine Gael) 934, Kitt (Fianna Fáil) 907, Sheehan (Aontu) 924, Ali (Fianna Fáil) 664, Fitzsimons (Irish Freedom Party) 466, Murphy (Social Democrats) 459, Relihan (People Before Profit) 413, Cairns (Sinn Féin) 340, O'Donoghue (Sinn Féin) 279, Griffin (Green) 236, Khisa (Labour) 186, Doyle (People Before Profit) 90. |
12:12 | Councillor John Walsh is deemed elected in the Castleknock LEA with 2,045 votes and exceeded the quota by 29 votes. |
12:10 |
The result of the third count in Castleknock LEA is: Walsh (Labour) 2,045; Shovlin (Fine Gael) 2,006; Troy (Aontú) 1,729; Coppinger (People Before Profit) 1,671; Carbone-Mangan (Fianna Fail 1,165; Mahony (Fianna Fáil) 1,144; Lynam (Sinn Fein) 1,171; Conroy (Green Party) 1,113; Daly (Social Democrats) 520. |
12:02 | Bernadette Wright has been eliminated and count three in Swords LEA is now underway. |
12:00 |
The result of the second count in Swords LEA is: Buckley (Sinn Féin) 912, Carey (Green) 875, Graves (Sinn Féin) 878, Humphreys (Labour) 909, Kelly (Non-Part) 1,215, Linnane (Sinn Féin) 340, Manton (Fianna Fáil) 918, Newman (Non-Party) 1,464, Power (People Before Profit) 465, Wright (Non-Party) 115. |
11:52 | Louise Kavanagh (Sinn Féin) has been eliminated and count five in Blanchardstown-Mulhuddart is now underway. |
11:50 |
The result of the fourth count in Blanchardstown-Mulhuddart LEA is: McCamley (Labour) 737; Onwumereh (Fianna Fáil) 687; O'Reilly (Fine Gael) 619; Hanaphy (Sinn Féin) 533; Burtchaell (People Before Profit) 508; Loughlin (Aontú) 488; Quinlan (The National Party) 508; Nolan (Fianna Fáil) 447; Bissett (Sinn Féin) 417; Delaney (Non-Party) 439; Dowling (Social Democrats) 397; Kavanagh (Sinn Féin) 317. |
11:15 | Luke Daly (Social Democrats) has been eliminated and count three in Castleknock LEA is now underway. |
11:10 |
The result of the second count in Castleknock LEA is: Walsh (Labour) 1,952; Shovlin (Fine Gael) 1,962; Troy (Aontú) 1,682; Coppinger (People Before Profit) 1,556; Carbone-Mangan (Fianna Fail 1,148; Mahony (Fianna Fáil) 1,134; Lynam (Sinn Fein) 1,116; Conroy (Green Party) 1,021; Daly (Social Democrats) 520. |
11:05 | Shashank Chakerwarti (Non-Party) has been eliminated and count four in Blanchardstown-Mulhuddart is now underway. |
11:03 |
Third count results are in for the Blanchardstown-Mulhuddart LEA. McCamley (Labour) 715; Onwumereh (Fianna Fáil) 671; O'Reilly (Fine Gael) 589; Hanaphy (Sinn Féin) 526; Burtchaell (People Before Profit) 495; Loughlin (Aontú) 483; Quinlan (The National Party) 508; Nolan (Fianna Fáil) 438; Bissett (Sinn Féin) 405; Delaney (Non-Party) 440; Dowling (Social Democrats) 387; Kavanagh (Sinn Féin) 316; Chakewarti (Non-Party) 167. |
10:47 |
Andy Heasman (The Irish People) has been eliminated and count three in Blanchardstown-Mulhuddart is now underway. |
10:45 |
Second count results are in for the Blanchardstown-Mulhuddart LEA. McCamley (Labour) 711; Onwumereh (Fianna Fáil) 671; O'Reilly (Fine Gael) 589; Hanaphy (Sinn Féin) 524; Burtchaell (People Before Profit) 485; Loughlin (Aontú) 469; Quinlan (The National Party) 456; Nolan (Fianna Fáil) 438; Bissett (Sinn Féin) 405; Delaney (Non-Party) 392; Dowling (Social Democrats) 383; Kavanagh (Sinn Féin) 314; Chakewarti (Non-Party) 164; Heasman (The Irish People) 140. |
10:38 |
The first person elected to the Balbriggan area is Councillor Tony Murphy who has topped the pool in Balbriggan LEA with 2,148 votes and exceeded the quota by 310 votes. |
10:35 |
The result of the first count in Balbriggan LEA is: Brady (Sinn Féin) 678, Brennan (Fianna Fáil) 817, Edwards (People Before Profit) 433, Laska (Non-Party) 23, Maguire (Non-Party) 1,328, McLoughlin (Non-Party) 134, Murphy (Non-Party) 2,148, Oakes (Irish Freedom Party) 323, O'Leary (Fine Gael) 1,441, Power (Green) 1,062, Quinn (Sinn Féin) 804, Ryan (Labour)1,595, Uwhumiakpor (Non-Party) 238. |
10:30 | The stats for Balbriggan LEA: Electorate: 25,174 Total Poll: 11,152 Spoilt Votes: 128 Valid Poll: 11,024 Turnout: 44% Quota: 1,838 |
10:26 |
The following have been elected to the Swords area on the first count: Councillor Dean Mulligan, with a surplus of 360 votes. Luke Corkery Daragh Butler |
10:25 |
The result of the first count in Swords LEA is: Buckley (Sinn Féin) 881, Butler (Fianna Fáil) 1,745, Carey (Green) 848, Corkery (Fine Gael) 1,642, Graves (Sinn Féin) 842, Humphreys (Labour) 883, Kelly (Non-Part) 1,177, Linnane (Sinn Féin) 322, Manton (Fianna Fáil) 893, Mulligan (Independents for Change) 2,000, Newman (Non-Party) 1,367, Power (People Before Profit) 414, Wright (Non-Party) 104. |
10:23 | The stats for Swords LEA: Electorate: 34,071 Total Poll: 13,336 Spoilt Votes: 218 Valid Poll: 13,118 Turnout: 39% Quota: 1,640 |
10:18 |
The first person elected to the Ongar area is Councillor Tania Doyle who has topped the pool in Ongar LEA with 2,057 votes and exceeded the quota by 631 votes. |
10:15 |
The result of the first count in Ongar LEA is: Donnelly (Sinn Féin) 1,116, Dennison (Fine Gael) 860, Kitt (Fianna Fáil) 835, Sheehan (Aontu) 822, Ali (Fianna Fáil) 640, Fitzsimons (Irish Freedom Party) 427, Murphy (Social Democrats) 398, Relihan (People Before Profit) 370, Cairns (Sinn Féin) 328, O'Donoghue (Sinn Féin) 256, Griffin (Green) 203, Khisa (Labour) 160, Doyle (People Before Profit) 79. |
10:10 | The stats for Ongar LEA: Electorate: 22,871 Total Poll: 8,676 Spoilt Votes: 125 Valid Poll: 8,551 Turnout: 38% Quota: 1,426. |
10:05 | The first person elected to the Rush-Lusk area is Councillor Robert O'Donghue who has topped the pool in Rush-Lusk LEA with 3,185 votes and exceeded the quota by 1,143 votes. |
10:04 |
The result of the first count in Rush-Lusk is: O'Donoghue (Labour) 3,185, Johnston (Labour) 1,716, Boland (Non-Party) 1,399, Dockrell (Fine Gael) 1,387, Dennehy (Fianna Fáil) 1,137, Mulville (Social Democrats) 1,076, Henchy (Fianna Fáil) 905, Roche (Sinn Féin) 747, Young (Green) 320, O'Connell (Non-Party) 272, Laska (Non-Party) 107. |
10:02 | The stats for Rusk-Lusk LEA: Electorate: 26,494 Total Poll: 12,408 Spoilt Votes: 157 Valid Poll: 12,251 Turnout: 47% Quota: 2,042 |
09:00 | Good morning from the Fingal count at The National Show Centre in Cloghran. The count resumed at 9am and we will continue to bring you updates throughout today. |
23:59 | Counting in the remaining five Local Electoral Areas has suspended until 9am tomorrow morning. |
23:19 | Oisin Ó hAlmhain (Green Party) has been eliminated and count two in Blanchardstown-Mulhuddart will be the distribution of his 95 votes. The second will resume at 9am tomorrow morning, |
23:15 |
The result of the first count in Blanchardstown-Mulhuddart is: McCamley (Labour) 685; Onwumereh (Fianna Fáil) 665; O'Reilly (Fine Gael) 572; Hanaphy (Sinn Féin) 523; Burtchaell (People Before Profit) 478; Loughlin (Aontú) 467; Quinlan (The National Party) 456; Nolan (Fianna Fáil) 437; Bissett (Sinn Féin) 403; Delaney (Non-Party) 388; Dowling (Social Democrats) 365; Kavanagh (Sinn Féin) 313; Chakewarti (Non-Party) 162; Heasman (The Irish People) 139; Ó hAlmhain (Green Party) 95. |
23:13 | The stats for Blanchardstown-Mulhuddart are: Electorate: 19,395 Total Poll: 6,304 Spoilt Votes: 156 Valid Poll: 6,148 Turnout: 32.5% Quota: 1,025 |
23:05 | The second count in Castleknock will be the distribution of Leddy's surplus which will take place from 9am tomorrow morning. |
23:02 |
The result of the first count in Castleknock LEA is: Leddy (Fine Gael) 2,153; Walsh (Labour) 1,937; Shovlin (Fine Gael) 1,891; Troy (Aontú) 1,674; Coppinger (People Before Profit) 1,553; Carbone-Mangan (Fianna Fail 1,132; Mahony (Fianna Fáil) 1,118; Lynam (Sinn Fein) 1,115; Conroy (Green Party) 1,015; Daly (Social Democrats) 519. |
23:01 | The stats for Castleknock ae: Electorate: 34,239 Total Poll: 14,263 Spoilt Votes: 156 Valid Poll: 14,107 Turnout: 41.66% Quota: 2,016 |
23:00 | The first person elected to the new Council is outgoing councillor Ted Leddy who has topped the pool in Castleknock LEA with 2,153 votes and exceeded the quota by 137 votes. |
22:35 | Returning officers in five of the LEAs (Swords, Castleknock, Balbriggan, Blanchardstown-Mulhuddart and Ongar have announced that they are moving to the adjudication of ballots with candidates and election agents. We're close to getting some first count results tonight. |
18:05 | There are 91 candidates for 40 seats and this includes 39 outgoing councillors. It is planned to count until midnight so we are expecting that there will be first count results this evening from some of the local electoral areas. |
18:00 | The crates containing the ballot papers have arrived from the RDS and have been unsealed. Counting is now underway in all seven local electoral areas. |
09:00 |
Welcome to our live blog from the Fingal County Council Count Centre at the National Show Centre in Cloghran. Counting is scheduled to commence at 17:00 this afternoon. When the polling stations closed at 22:00 last night the boxes were transported to the RDS. This morning the boxes will be opened and the European and Local Election ballot papers separated under the supervision of the Deputy Returning Officers for each Local Electoral Area. The Local Election votes will then be placed in crates, which will be sealed, before being transported, under Garda escort, to the Count Centre. |
The New Council