Under Section 38 of the Road Traffic Act of 1994, the Operations Department will be implementing a trial Traffic Calming Scheme in Coill Dubh Estate, Malahide, for a period of six months from 19th August 2024 to 19th February 2025.
Fingal County Council’s Operations Department have received communications from residents within the Coill Dubh estate outlining traffic safety issues along The Court. The Court is accessed by turning left after entering the estate toward Coill Dubh Avenue. The road is narrow and one directional and designed as a shared space without a footpath, meaning pedestrians and vehicles use the road simultaneously. The concern is the safety of young children running onto the road and the risk of an accident to pedestrians on the road.
The risk of an accident has been appraised by technical staff in the Operations Department and a Consultant Engineer. The Consulting Engineer has been engaged to determine how to make the road safer for all users. The sketch below details a traffic proposal which Operations consider appropriate to implement.

The proposal divides The Court into six cul-de-sacs by placing suitable planters at the proposed locations as shown between No. 2 & 3, 6, 7 and 9 & 10 on The Court. This will still allow pedestrians to use the road but in a safer environment with less through traffic. Appropriate road signage will be removed/replaced as necessary.
The consequence of the proposal is that all traffic entering except those living in No. 1 & 2 will need to turn right after entering the estate. This is especially for the vehicles who live at the end of The Avenue. To exit the estate the same entry route will be used.
Example of Planter Layout

Any feedback will be welcome for the entire duration of the trial scheme, online through the Consultation Portal, at The Portal for this scheme will open on 19th August 2024, with submissions to arrive no later than 4.00 p.m. on 22nd January 2025.