Fingal Libraries World Book Tour 2024

To celebrate World Book Day Ireland 2024, acclaimed children’s authors Alan Nolan, Sadhbh Devlin, Nicola Pierce, Ellen Ryan and Sarah Webb are visiting libraries and schools across Fingal between the 4th and 8th of March.
This is the second year of the Fingal Libraries World Book Tour, which gives invited audiences of primary school children the opportunity of meeting some of their favourite authors. The authors facilitate two workshops each, designed not just to entertain, but to create readers, and maybe future authors!
The Tour is curated and programmed by author and illustrator Alan Nolan, who also designed a logo to give a fun and distinctive identity to the series of events. Prior to the author’s visit, a printed biography sheet with a photo of the author, as well as a branded World Book Tour Activity Pack consisting of worksheets with puzzles and games, is sent to the participating schools to share with the classes. Every child taking part will be gifted a copy of the author’s book, branded with stickers featuring the World Book Tour logo.
Schools participating in the World Book Tour include St. Andrew’s SNS, Malahide; Scoil Phádraic, Donabate; Gaelscoil Bhrian Bóroimhe, Swords; Gaelscoil Ros Eo, Rush; St. Mary's National School, Garristown; Holmpatrick NS, Skerries; St. Teresa’s Primary School, Balbriggan; St. Laurence’s National School, Baldoyle; Castaheany Educate Together, Blanchardstown; and Scoil Mhuire, Howth.