Portmarnock’s Velvet Strand retains the coveted Blue Flag status

The Lord Moyor of Fingal Cllr Anthony Lavin is joined by Councillors and The Red Hot Mommas Swimming Group to celebrate Portmarnack Beach receiving a Blue Flag.

Fingal County Council has welcomed news that Portmarnock’s famous Velvet Strand has retained the Blue Flag status, which recognises its high level of water quality.

And there was further good news for Portmarnock, along with the Burrow Beach in Sutton, as they were both awarded Green Coast awards at a ceremony which was held in Miltown Malbay, Co Clare yesterday (Monday).

The Blue Flag is an international award for beach excellence and is operated in Ireland by An Taisce with support from the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government. It is presented to beaches and marinas which have excellent water quality and which achieve high standards across a wide range of other criteria including environmental education, management of the environment, safety and other services.

Portmarnock's Velvet Strand beach has been awarded a Blue Flag.

The Green Coast Award is given to sites which have excellent water quality but which may be less developed and less populated than Blue Flag beaches. An important aspect of the Green Coast Awards is the involvement of Coastcare Volunteer Groups. Its aim is to acknowledge, promote and protect the environment of rural beaches.

Welcoming the news of the awards, Mayor of Fingal Cllr Anthony Lavin said: “This is great news for Fingal and hopefully it will be another warm summer which will allow thousands of local residents and visitors enjoy the many wonderful beaches across Fingal. As a local councillor in the area, I can safely say that the Velvet Strand is a wonderful amenity that provides great enjoyment throughout the year.”

This is great news for Fingal and hopefully it will be another warm summer which will allow thousands of local residents and visitors enjoy the many wonderful beaches across Fingal. As a local councillor in the area, I can safely say that the Velvet Strand is a wonderful amenity that provides great enjoyment throughout the year

Director of Operations David Storey said: “Fingal County Council is delighted with the news that Portmarnock has retained its Blue Flag status. It is one of the most renowned beaches in the country and it is great news that it has once again been awarded this honour.

“It is also great that Portmarnock, along with the Burrow beach in Sutton, have both been awarded the Green Coast Award.”

Looking forward to the summer, Mr Storey said: “Crews from Fingal County Council’s operations departments will, once again, continue to play a key role in maintaining all beaches across Fingal and ensuring they are kept clean and litter free during the busy summer months.

“While the council will continue to play its part, I would encourage all beach users to ensure that they remove all their waste and unwanted items as they depart our beaches. Litter bins are provided on all our beaches, so there is no excuse for leaving rubbish strewn on beaches.”