Chief Executive looking forward to working with new Council

Interim Chief Executive, AnnMarie Farrelly, has extended her congratulations to those elected to Fingal County Council over the weekend and stated she and her colleagues are looking forward to working with them to keep Fingal the place of choice to live, work, visit and do business in.

“I offer my congratulations to all our new and returning councillors and particularly to our Mayor and Deputy Mayor who had to balance their obligations of office with campaigning over the last few months. Some of the outgoing councillors who stood for re-election will not be returning to the Council and I would like to thank them for the work they did on behalf of their local communities over the past five years.

“We will have 14 new councillors on the next Council and I and my colleagues look forward to working with them on continuing to implement our Capital and Operations Plans. One of the first functions of the new Council will be our Corporate Plan for the next five years and we also have many important infrastructure projects to be delivered which are now at the planning stage.  I expect that improved local facilities for our residents, housing and economic development will be key priorities for the new Council. .

“The new Council will represent the 300,000 citizens of Fingal and the 40 people elected come from a wide variety of backgrounds, communities and age-groups mirroring the diversity of our county. As a woman, I am particularly pleased that there will be 11 women on the new Council and I am sure they will make a valuable contribution over the next five years.

“Over the past 25 years, successive Councils and Management Teams have worked in unison to build a strong foundation and I am looking forward to building on this with new Council over the next five years.”

The first meeting of the new Council will take place on Friday, June 7.