Positive news for Fingal in IBAL results


There is good news for Fingal in the latest Irish Business against Litter (IBAL) results as Dublin Airport & Environs and Swords are featured in the top 20 in the list and both are deemed "Clean to European Norms".   Dublin Airport Environs achieved 15th place and Swords 18th place. Litter levels were assessed in 40 towns and cities across the country by An Taisce, who found 31 of them or 77% to be clean which was very positive news for tourism and local communities alike.

The report states “With seven out of ten sites getting the top litter grade, Dublin Airport Environs continue to be ‘Clean to European Norms” and continues regarding the  Airport Roundabout;  “a very clean and tidy impression was created at this site. Grass and sculpture were in good condition. Overall, it presented a fresh and welcoming environment for any visitors arriving at Dublin Airport.”  Regarding Swords the report comments:  “An excellent showing by past winner Swords on its return to the league after an absence of several years saw the town being placed 18th out of 40 towns/cities surveyed. The approach roads got the top litter grade, creating a positive first impression of the town.  The residential areas of Carlton Court and Longlands were both top ranking, indicating well cared for environments”.

Speaking about the national results Conor Horgan of IBAL drew attention to the positive results for Dublin Airport and Environs saying. “Today’s tourists demand high levels of cleanliness and these results indicate that’s what they will be getting this year when they come to Ireland. It is also important that their first impression be a good one, so it’s pleasing to see the roads around Dublin Airport are again to Clean to European norms.”

In response to the news AnnMarie Farrelly, Interim Chief Executive of Fingal County Council said “The excellent results for the two Fingal locations in the latest IBAL survey demonstrate clearly the ongoing commitment of Fingal County Council to the fight against litter. They are also testament to the dedication of Council Staff who work hard to ensure that Fingal is an attractive place to live, work and visit. I would like to  commend the excellent work being done by the local community and tidy towns groups”

Newly elected Mayor of Fingal Cllr Eoghan O’Brien welcomed the results saying “These are excellent results for the Fingal region, particularly the Airport Region and Swords. I see the many hours of voluntary effort put in by local residents throughout the County, working with Fingal County Council to improve their areas, and it great to see these efforts acknowledged in this way” 

The full report can be accessed at https://ibal.ie/