Tionscadail Dhigiteacha Oidhreachta
The current circumstances have provided an opportunity to move a number of our heritage projects online. Below are pieces of oral history captured on video, drone films, an online exhibition and colouring book pages to download.
Cainteanna Dhá Nóiméad
Roinneann réimse d'fhoireann Chomhairle Contae Fhine Gall a thagann ar oidhreacht ina gcuid oibre gearrscéalta a léiríonn nádúr saibhir agus éagsúil oidhreacht Fhine Gall cuirtíní Theach an Droichid Nua chun cruthaitheacht agus oidhreacht a chomhcheangal
Karen de Lacey - Cartlann Fhine Gall, Stáisiúin Dó an Gharda Cósta i bhFine Gall. https://youtu.be/hITeKlu-ILs
Fionnuala May – Ailtire contae, Cuirtíní Theach an Droichid Nua. https://youtu.be/3pUJsJojM6g
Tricia Matthews - Éire Ildánach agus Oidhreacht. https://youtu.be/8tGfS4fAmoU
Christine Baker - Oifigeach Oidhreachta, Seandálaíocht Rudaí Beaga. https://youtu.be/Z57n5d1lWuw
Caroline Cowley - Comhordaitheoir Ealaíne Poiblí, An Phicnic Mheatach. https://youtu.be/aMPwNwkCpto
Bríd Ryan - Oibreacha Caomhnaithe agus Athmhúnlaithe ag an Casino, Mullach Íde – teach nua d'Iarnród Shamhail Fry. https://youtu.be/4kWK7LEmV1M
Brian O'Connor – Túr Stella & Séipéal San Caitríona, Port Reachrann. https://youtu.be/iq50ciLj1zc
Bernie Kelly – Oifigeach Gaeilge, Ag ceiliúradh ár dteanga dhúchais, cuid lárnach d'ár noidhreacht chultúrtha / Ag Ceiliúradh a dhéanamh ar ár dteanga dhúchais Gaeilge mar chuid lárnach dár gcultúr. https://youtu.be/8VQMsqIk3Mw
D Duncan Henderson - Caisleán Ard Giolláin – Oidhreacht a Chomhcheangal le Cruthaitheacht. https://youtu.be/vVu8DcYD8oI
Helena Bergin - Oifigeach Caomhantais Ailtireachta, Oidhreacht Ailtireachta Fhine Gall a Chosaint. https://youtu.be/zU69TtpQh4Y
St Doulagh’s Church 3D Virtual Tour
The 3D Virtual Tour, developed by Resurrecting Monuments and the Friends of St Doulagh’s provides online access to a self-guided tour of the church building and baptistry. The present church of St Doulagh’s has elements from the 12th century with a series of later additions. The vaulted stone roof is at 68 degrees the steepest in Ireland. Associated with the anchorite St Doulagh, there is a hermit’s cell in the entrance hall reputed to the burial place of the founder. An archaeological geophysical survey was undertaken in the surrounding fields in 2009 showed the church site was enclosed by a series of ditches, one of which was radiocarbon dated in to the mid-9th century. By the roadside is a short-armed granite cross that was formerly in the graveyard. Also, nearby are holy well, one of which is enclosed by an octagonal baptistry.
Access tour here: St Doulagh’s Church 3D Virtual Tour

Grianghraif d’Fhine Gall san Am atá Thart
Snapshots of Fingal’s Past presents photographs that capture Fingal’s past and the stories that lie behind them. This heritage project takes the form of an online exhibition featuring the stories of people, places, sports and traditions submitted by the people of Fingal. Members of the Fingal Heritage Network also present stories from their areas.
To view the Snapshots online exhibition go to https://youtu.be/-uWnyVcCjJk
To see Fingal Heritage Network pieces:
Snapshots of Fingal's Past: Eamon Madden, Kettles Heritage Society https://youtu.be/xVHrcLBEx34
Snapshots of Fingal's Past: Pat Kelly, Lusk Heritage Group https://youtu.be/ehroU5cneLg
Snapshots of Fingal's Past: Jim Lacey, Blanchardstown/Castleknock Historical Society https://youtu.be/Bukkw7a_-9k
Snapshots of Fingal's Past: Brendan Grimes, Skerries Historical Society https://youtu.be/591HAm0gWOY
Snapshots of Fingal's Past: Peader Bates, Donabate Historical Society https://youtu.be/X8qSbau1JoY
Snapshots of Fingal's Past: Eamonn Grogan, Donabate Historical Society https://youtu.be/XkRy69RxaL8
Snapshots of Fingal's Past: Jim Owens, Howth Peninsula Heritage Society https://youtu.be/S4cYp0qr_oo
Snapshots of Fingal's Past: Cloghran Historical Society https://youtu.be/bBIQJpbat5Y
Snapshots of Fingal's Past: Swords Historical Society https://youtu.be/lfHO1OEqCmA

Fingal’s Heritage from Above
The is a series of films featuring the heritage sites of Fingal that was launched during Heritage Week 2020. A collaboration between Mark Broderick, Digital Officer and Christine Baker, Heritage Officer the series begins with the intriguing stories of the Skerries Islands and continues with Drumanagh Promontory Fort and Newbridge Demesne.
Skerries Islands: https://youtu.be/AbtzS1YxRHI
Drumanagh Promontory Fort: https://youtu.be/pDR_k2DTe5s
Newbridge Demesne: https://youtu.be/jKPc16v1LcQ

Colouring Fingal’s Heritage
This colouring book depicts wonderful illustrations that capture the essence of Fingal's exceptional heritage. By matching cultural heritage with creativity this publication aims to introduce these sites and stories to new and varied audiences, both young and old(er)! Drawings are of varied detail to encourage all levels of colouring enjoyment. The majority of the sites included are open to the public and are there to be enjoyed by all the family. The project was undertaken by the Christine Baker, Heritage Officer in conjunction with Sara Nylund of Abarta Heritage. Copies can be collected from Fingal Libraries Week or you can download the individual pages here